We wish you a
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year!
This blog is where you will find community council information, including meeting times, minutes and agenda. Do please comment on postings.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Edinburgh Community Energy Event
An Edinburgh Community Energy Event will be held on 23 Feb 2012 from 9.00am – 1.30pm (including lunch) in the Business Centre, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh.
Who is it for?
Any organisation with an interest in household energy saving projects in Edinburgh, at both a local and strategic level.
What is it about?
A half-day conference bringing together community groups, third sector organisations and the City of Edinburgh Council to: ·
Sessions include: · City wide energy saving projects - opportunities and joint working; · Consultation and involvement; · Information sharing and feedback
This is a City of Edinburgh Council event, facilitated by Changeworks
To book and see more details visit the Changeworks website for the full conference programme. Please send your booking form in by Friday 10 February 2012. Numbers are limited, so early booking is essential! If you have any queries please email Jackie McNeil.
Who is it for?
Any organisation with an interest in household energy saving projects in Edinburgh, at both a local and strategic level.
What is it about?
A half-day conference bringing together community groups, third sector organisations and the City of Edinburgh Council to: ·
- Share information and knowledge between key organisations ·
- Improve communication between Council staff, tenant groups and community groups
- Develop mutual awareness and understanding of community projects and the Council’s energy programme
- Identify ideas and opportunities for better joint working and future initiatives
Sessions include: · City wide energy saving projects - opportunities and joint working; · Consultation and involvement; · Information sharing and feedback
This is a City of Edinburgh Council event, facilitated by Changeworks
To book and see more details visit the Changeworks website for the full conference programme. Please send your booking form in by Friday 10 February 2012. Numbers are limited, so early booking is essential! If you have any queries please email Jackie McNeil.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Christmas buses
Special timetables for Lothian buses over the festive season (23 December 2011 to 4 January 2012) are now available.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Tina interviewed for audio segment on Edinburgh reporter website
The Edinburgh Reporter is now carrying an audio interview with the Chair of Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC), David Salton.
The interview covers how community councils work, and also what you should do if you want to get involved.
EACC is the liaison body supporting all of the individual community councils in the city.
Also participating, from Marchmont & Sciennes Community Council: our colleague Tina Cumming.
The interview covers how community councils work, and also what you should do if you want to get involved.
EACC is the liaison body supporting all of the individual community councils in the city.
Also participating, from Marchmont & Sciennes Community Council: our colleague Tina Cumming.
more from Edinburgh Reporter website: "Community councils are set up in each area to have a say on local affairs. The hierarchy is that Edinburgh Council decides on most matters which affect the city, below that there are Neighbourhood Partnerships and then there are community councils. Since 1991 there has been a single tier of unitary authorities in Scotland, replacing the old two-tier structure of Regional and District local authority bodies. The council gets all of its powers from a range of statutes, and community councils were first set up under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and their existence was continued by legislation passed in 1994. They were set up to be the local voice in the area that they represent, and all community councillors must reside in the area. They are funded by a grant from the City of Edinburgh Council.
There is more information available on the City of Edinburgh Council website."
Draft Natural Heritage Strategy for Planning in Edinburgh
A draft Natural Heritage Strategy for Planning in Edinburgh has been prepared and was approved by the Planning Committee of the City of Edinburgh Council on 8 December 2011 as a draft for consultation.
They're now seeking your comments to further develop and finalise it. Edinburgh’s distinctive natural environment forms part of the fabric of the city and its successive phases of urban development. Including coastal habitat of international significance, designed landscapes of national importance, to locally valued trees and woodlands; the natural environment forms a unique asset to be protected and enhanced.
The document re-affirms the Council’s commitment to the conservation and enhancement of Edinburgh’s natural environment by explaining how it addresses national planning policy and environmental legislation. It outlines how the Council aims to protect and enhance the natural environment, through the preparation of development plans, when considering planning applications and as part of the local biodiversity action plan.
This document complements the Council’s Built Heritage Strategy, together representing an environment of exceptional quality. Please send any comments by the end of January 2012.
They're now seeking your comments to further develop and finalise it. Edinburgh’s distinctive natural environment forms part of the fabric of the city and its successive phases of urban development. Including coastal habitat of international significance, designed landscapes of national importance, to locally valued trees and woodlands; the natural environment forms a unique asset to be protected and enhanced.
The document re-affirms the Council’s commitment to the conservation and enhancement of Edinburgh’s natural environment by explaining how it addresses national planning policy and environmental legislation. It outlines how the Council aims to protect and enhance the natural environment, through the preparation of development plans, when considering planning applications and as part of the local biodiversity action plan.
This document complements the Council’s Built Heritage Strategy, together representing an environment of exceptional quality. Please send any comments by the end of January 2012.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
South Central Neighbourhood Partnership Meeting - 12 Dec 11 at 6pm
For more information please contact: Margaret Campbell (Partnership Development Officer). The MSCC rep on the neighbourhood partnership is Alastair Philp.
The Agenda includes discussion of:
- Demise of Southside Community Council
- Engagement meetings on the Council Budget Process
- Winter weather working together
- Astley Ainslie/ Royal Edinburgh Hospital redevelopment
- Sub groups progress
- Community grant applications
- Students in the Community event
- It's Good to Talk about Alcohol event
Papers are available:
- Go to Council Papers online
- Pick "South Central Neighbourhood Partnership" as committee name and "12 December 2011" as dates.
- Click "search"
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Reminder: Marchmont & Sciennes Community Council Christmas Tree lighting Sat 10 Dec 4.30pm
A quick reminder: the Marchmont & Sciennes Community Council Christmas Tree lighting is this Sat (10 Dec) at 4.30pm.
mapping road deaths 1999-2010
The BBC have published an interactive web site that shows every death on every road in Great Britain 1999-2010.
You can pick a local authority or enter a post code to see fatalities over the period shown on a map.
You can pick a local authority or enter a post code to see fatalities over the period shown on a map.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Minutes of Edinburgh Association of Community Councils meetings
Approved minutes for the September 2011 meeting of the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC), and the draft minutes for the November meeting have now been posted.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Transition Edinburgh South collecting views on creating a vibrant and sustainable South Edinburgh
Transition Edinburgh South are currently working on a Community Mapping Project- a piece of research looking at how they can create more sustainable communities in South Edinburgh.
They are asking local residents to identify what the barriers are for adopting greener lifestyles and what ideas people have to promote local sustainability. They've asked us to let them know our thoughts on local food production, home energy, local transport, recycling and community resilience by filling out an on line questionnaire.
All participants will go into a prize draw for the chance to win a £50 tasty local food voucher. Deadline for entries is 31/12/11.
For more information about this project and others, please visit the Transition Edinburgh South website.
They are asking local residents to identify what the barriers are for adopting greener lifestyles and what ideas people have to promote local sustainability. They've asked us to let them know our thoughts on local food production, home energy, local transport, recycling and community resilience by filling out an on line questionnaire.
All participants will go into a prize draw for the chance to win a £50 tasty local food voucher. Deadline for entries is 31/12/11.
For more information about this project and others, please visit the Transition Edinburgh South website.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Marchmont & Sciennes Community Council Christmas Tree lighting Sat 10 Dec 4.30pm
Join with James Gillespies High School pipers, JGHS Brass Ensemble and Sciennes Primary School Choir to sing traditional carols at the lighting of the Marchmont and Sciennes’ Christmas tree, where Marchmont Crescent meets Warrender Park Road.
Sat 10 Dec at 4:30pm.
This event is supported by the Local shops and businesses
Followed by a free carol concert, mulled wine and mince pies from 5pm at the German Church, Chalmers Crescent
Numbers may be limited
Sat 10 Dec at 4:30pm.
This event is supported by the Local shops and businesses
Followed by a free carol concert, mulled wine and mince pies from 5pm at the German Church, Chalmers Crescent
Numbers may be limited
Friday, 18 November 2011
Agenda for meeting of Marchmont & Sciennes Community Council on We 23 Nov at 7:30pm
The Marchmont and Sciennes Community Council will hold their November meeting on We 23 Nov at 7:30pm at St Catherine's Argyle Church Halls on Grange Road
All are most welcome to attend
Jim Eadie MSP will address the meeting before the other business.
1 Welcome, Sederunt, apologies
2 Address: JIM EADIE, MSP
3 Questions
4 Minutes of the previous meeting
Matters arising from the Minutes
Bus shelter
Astley Ainsley Hospital
Whitehouse Loan crossing
Christmas Tree Lighting
Winter weather
Cyclists and pedestrians
Sienna Gardens meeting
5 Parks management strategy
6 Reports
Police{ Sgt Steven Duncan)
Planning (Melanie Main)
HMOs (Anne Laird)
7 External meetings: Neighbourhood Partnership , NHS Lothian
8 Future of ASCC and EACC
9 Budget consultations 21.11.11, 3.12.11
10 Civic Forum meeting 29.11.11
11 documents received for consultation: SES, LDP
13 DONM January 25th 7.30 PM
All are most welcome to attend
Jim Eadie MSP will address the meeting before the other business.
1 Welcome, Sederunt, apologies
2 Address: JIM EADIE, MSP
3 Questions
4 Minutes of the previous meeting
Matters arising from the Minutes
Bus shelter
Astley Ainsley Hospital
Whitehouse Loan crossing
Christmas Tree Lighting
Winter weather
Cyclists and pedestrians
Sienna Gardens meeting
5 Parks management strategy
6 Reports
Police{ Sgt Steven Duncan)
Planning (Melanie Main)
HMOs (Anne Laird)
7 External meetings: Neighbourhood Partnership , NHS Lothian
8 Future of ASCC and EACC
9 Budget consultations 21.11.11, 3.12.11
10 Civic Forum meeting 29.11.11
11 documents received for consultation: SES, LDP
13 DONM January 25th 7.30 PM
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Information on severe weather preparations and decisions
The City of Edinburgh Council have established a severe weather page on their website which they will use to communicate in the event of severe weather this winter.
It contains information about preparations they are making, what we can do, how they decide which roads to clear and schools to close, and offers an interactive map of gritter routes and grit bins.
update (18 Nov at 20:11): To find out if you could be a Volunteer Snow Warden call 0131 529 3687
It contains information about preparations they are making, what we can do, how they decide which roads to clear and schools to close, and offers an interactive map of gritter routes and grit bins.
update (18 Nov at 20:11): To find out if you could be a Volunteer Snow Warden call 0131 529 3687
Monday, 14 November 2011
What do you think? New management rules for Public Parks
The current 'Management Rules for Public Parks (2003)' are due to expire in 2013. The City of Edinburgh Council has been advised to renew the rules for another ten years and modify them to reflect the new access legislation.
In making the new Rules the City of Edinburgh Council is obliged to consult and invite objections from the public.
The new draft Management Rules can be commented on during the first consultation running from Mid October 2011 to the end of January 2012.
Amendments will be made and the a final copy of the Rules will be presented for formal inspection on these web pages and in public libraries during April and May 2012.
If there are any objections to the Rules the City of Edinburgh Council will give an objector an opportunity to be heard by them.
In making the new Rules the City of Edinburgh Council is obliged to consult and invite objections from the public.
The new draft Management Rules can be commented on during the first consultation running from Mid October 2011 to the end of January 2012.
Amendments will be made and the a final copy of the Rules will be presented for formal inspection on these web pages and in public libraries during April and May 2012.
If there are any objections to the Rules the City of Edinburgh Council will give an objector an opportunity to be heard by them.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Your views are sought on a draft Edinburgh Lighting Strategy
On 6 October 2011 the Council's Planning Committee approved a draft version of the Edinburgh Lighting Strategy for consultation purposes.
The aim of the strategy is to reinforce the character of our unique capital city and provide a safe environment for its use and enjoyment by achieving coherent lighting schemes that are well conceived, designed and maintained.
The draft strategy outlines four broad strategic objectives based on: supporting Edinburgh's role as the economic, cultural and ceremonial capital of Scotland; enhancing community safety, security, amenity and circulation for both pedestrians and road users; developing a co-ordinated and coherent approach to lighting, making lighting design an intrinsic part of streets and places; and encouraging designs which minimise energy use, cost and light pollution.
Consultation on the draft strategy has now commenced and your views are sought by 31 December 2011.
The aim of the strategy is to reinforce the character of our unique capital city and provide a safe environment for its use and enjoyment by achieving coherent lighting schemes that are well conceived, designed and maintained.
The draft strategy outlines four broad strategic objectives based on: supporting Edinburgh's role as the economic, cultural and ceremonial capital of Scotland; enhancing community safety, security, amenity and circulation for both pedestrians and road users; developing a co-ordinated and coherent approach to lighting, making lighting design an intrinsic part of streets and places; and encouraging designs which minimise energy use, cost and light pollution.
Consultation on the draft strategy has now commenced and your views are sought by 31 December 2011.
Monday, 31 October 2011
Your thoughts requested on Edinburgh Local Development Plan: Main Issues Report
The City of Edinburgh Council is developing a local development plan for Edinburgh and has been in touch asking for our help.
The plan will set out policies and proposals to guide development and land use. The main opportunity to get involved is in response to the Main Issues Report. This sets out options for new proposals and changes to some policies. It asks for our views on 20 questions.
Paper copies of the main Issues Report, Monitoring Statement and Environmental Report have been sent to the MSCC secreatry and I will bring them to the November meeting. In the meantime copies can be downloaded or viewed at the local development plan website, or perused at local libraries or the Planning Reception at Waverley Court.
In addition exhibitions are being put on across the city and there will be workshops to discuss specific issues.
Our comments are requested by Fr 27 Jan 2012 via an online form or e-mail to localdevelopmentplan@edinburgh.gov.uk.
The plan will set out policies and proposals to guide development and land use. The main opportunity to get involved is in response to the Main Issues Report. This sets out options for new proposals and changes to some policies. It asks for our views on 20 questions.
Paper copies of the main Issues Report, Monitoring Statement and Environmental Report have been sent to the MSCC secreatry and I will bring them to the November meeting. In the meantime copies can be downloaded or viewed at the local development plan website, or perused at local libraries or the Planning Reception at Waverley Court.
In addition exhibitions are being put on across the city and there will be workshops to discuss specific issues.
Our comments are requested by Fr 27 Jan 2012 via an online form or e-mail to localdevelopmentplan@edinburgh.gov.uk.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Edinburgh World Heritage Newsletter October 2011
Edinburgh World Heritage have published their October newsletter.
Edinburgh World Heritage is a charity funded by charitable donations, the City of Edinburgh Council and Historic Scotland, with the role of protecting, conserving and promoting the World Heritage Site.
The newsletter contains items on (among other things):
Edinburgh World Heritage is a charity funded by charitable donations, the City of Edinburgh Council and Historic Scotland, with the role of protecting, conserving and promoting the World Heritage Site.
The newsletter contains items on (among other things):
- A revised management plan for Edinburgh's World Heritage Site, identifying key objectives for the next five years.
- Monthly update from EWH Director Adam Wilkinson.
- A new free iphone app which encourages visitors to get off the beaten track and explore the nooks and crannies of the World Heritage Site.
- The final stage of a project to restore a Victorian shopfront at 37 - 41 Nicolson Street, removing a modern fascia to reveal original features hidden underneath
It's Good to Talk … about alcohol community conference We 16 Nov
The South Central Neighbourhood Partnership would like to invite you to participate in its first Community Conference at the Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road on Wednesday, 16th November.
The purpose of the event is explore issues of alcohol and its effects on the community of South Central; to raise awareness amongst people on the wide range of issues around alcohol; enhance knowledge and networking amongst key agencies/service delivery organisations and, principally, to identify a series of recommendations for future, achievable, action for consideration by the Neighbourhood Partnership. A programme for the morning is noted below.
EVENT PROGRAMME (subject to change)
11.45 am COMFORT BREAK (Coffee & Cake Provided)
1.00 pm FINISH
Some of the possible areas for discussion include licensing; sales of alcohol to young people; health effects on older people and women; fire/accident damage; family – effect on children and families; anti social behaviour.
In order to organise the workshops and for catering please register your intention to participate.
The purpose of the event is explore issues of alcohol and its effects on the community of South Central; to raise awareness amongst people on the wide range of issues around alcohol; enhance knowledge and networking amongst key agencies/service delivery organisations and, principally, to identify a series of recommendations for future, achievable, action for consideration by the Neighbourhood Partnership. A programme for the morning is noted below.
EVENT PROGRAMME (subject to change)
11.45 am COMFORT BREAK (Coffee & Cake Provided)
1.00 pm FINISH
Some of the possible areas for discussion include licensing; sales of alcohol to young people; health effects on older people and women; fire/accident damage; family – effect on children and families; anti social behaviour.
In order to organise the workshops and for catering please register your intention to participate.
Monday, 24 October 2011
Reminder: MSCC meeting this Wed at 7:30pm
Remember that our monthly meeting is this Wed at 7:30pm at St Catherine's Argyle.
Friday, 14 October 2011
Well done Garden Competition winners!
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Congratulations to the following winners in this year's Marchmont & Sciennes Front and Container Garden's competition. Well done everyone! And thank you to Tina and the judges for all their hard work pounding the pavements to examine Marchmont & Sciennes' best gardens.
The prizes were presented last Saturday by Graeme Smalley who used to run the Warrender Park Road post office. He and his wife were the kind donors of the Smalley Quaich which went to the overall winner.
Category | Winners | |||
1 (East-facing) | Cindy Cunningham,
21 Livingstone Place
| |||
1 (East-facing) | Mr G Costello
23 Livingstone Place
| |||
1 (South-facing) | 108 Thirlestane Road | |||
1 (South-facing) | Rosemary Robertson
145 Warrender Park Road
| |||
1 (West-facing) | Hala George
36 Marchmont Crescent
| |||
2 (North-facing) | Ann Dickson
18 Warrender Park Crescent
| |||
2 (North-facing) | Katharine McCulloch
3A Warrender Park Crescent
| Smalley Quaich winner
| ||
3 (Window boxes) | Anne McCoubrey,
6 (1) Roseneath Terrace
| |||
4 (Wildlife) | Barbara Smith
15 Livingstone Place
| |||
5 (Updated) | Susan Oswald
53 Warrender Park Road
| |||
| Julie Odell & Tim Day
8 Marchmont Crescent
| |||
6 (Child-friendly) | Emma Tracey
1 Roseneath Street
| |||
6 | Melany Jackson
17 Marchmont Crescent
| |||
6 (Tall planting) | Mrs Hughes
22 Roseneath Place
| |||
6 (Raised beds) | Ruth Miller
13 Arden Street
| |||
6 (Topiary) | 49 Thirlestane Road | |||
6 | Ian Thomson
38 Arden Street
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Public Inquiry into Edinburgh Trams Project?
Kezia Dugdale MSP has sent us a consultation document making a case for a public inquiry into the Edinburgh Trams Project.
She suggests that "the more representations [she] receives, and the more suggestions are made for a Public Inquiry's terms of reference the more likely we are to get a deep and thorough inquiry which asks the right questions and demands answers".
Responses to the consultation document are requested by 29 October.
She suggests that "the more representations [she] receives, and the more suggestions are made for a Public Inquiry's terms of reference the more likely we are to get a deep and thorough inquiry which asks the right questions and demands answers".
Responses to the consultation document are requested by 29 October.
Agenda for meeting of MSCC on We 26 Oct at 7:30pm at St Catherine's Argyle
The Marchmont and Sciennes Community Council will hold their October meeting on We 26 Oct at 7:30pm at St Catherine's Argyle Church Halls on Grange Road
All are most welcome to attend
1 Sederunt and welcome: apologies
2 ALISON JOHNSTONE MSP. Alison has written to say she will speak on her new role
and responsibilities and will ‘cover some of the areas I expect to focus on during the
years ahead including resource use, transport, land reform, food and education’.
This part of the meeting is expected to take one hour.
3 Minutes of the last meeting
4 Matters arising from the minutes not elsewhere listed
Use of the Meadows
Support for tree planting
Astley Ainsley site
Meeting with NHS Lothian
FOI request re HMO provision
Christmas Tree Lighting
Quality Bike Corridor
Membership of MSCC
[Treasurer's report for October and corrected for September]
5 Start time of meetings
6 Preparations for winter weather (CEC document refers)
7 Public Inqury re Trams; letter from Kezia Dugdale MSP
8 Reports
Roads and Traffic
9 Neighbourhood partnership meeting
Combination of environmental forums
10 Training and support for Community Councillors
11 Date of next meeting: 23rd November 2011
Items 2-11 are mainly for information; and it is hoped that the meeting can conclude at
9.00 PM
updated: Students in the Community Event on Tu 1 Nov 2011 at Teviot Row House
updated: on Tu 1st not 2nd Nov! 6 for 6:30 till 9pm
The Edinburgh University Students Association (EUSA) extend an invitation to attend this year’s Students in the Community Event organised in conjunction with the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership. Last year’s event was a big success which we hope to replicate but we can’t do it without you!
The Edinburgh University Students Association (EUSA) extend an invitation to attend this year’s Students in the Community Event organised in conjunction with the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership. Last year’s event was a big success which we hope to replicate but we can’t do it without you!
Please come along to Teviot House with your ideas for future community projects. The Neighbourhood Partnership has ring-fenced a sum of money for this purpose – those attending on the night will decide how it should be spent
Registration is essential – please contact Sheona Lawson by Friday, 28th October
Thursday, 6 October 2011
September 2011 edition of Edinburgh Economy Watch
The September 2011 edition of Edinburgh Economy Watch, compiled by the City of Edinburgh Council's Economic Development Unit is now available.
The Edinburgh Economy Watch presents and analyses a range of economic indicators to describe the impact that current economic conditions are having on the capital and benchmark Edinburgh's economic performance against similar-sized UK cities.
As previously mentioned The City of Edinburgh Council has also recently completed a review of the economy of the City and the surrounding area, and the findings are now available. They would welcome your thoughts on the findings and proposals for how the council should respond to the issues raised.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Note of meeting of Edinburgh Community Councils with CEO Sue Bruce
The Edinburgh Association of Community Councils held an open Q&A meeting with the Chief Executive of the City of Edinburgh Council, Sue Bruce on 24 Sep 2011.
They have now published a note of that meeting on their website.
They have now published a note of that meeting on their website.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Meeting of the Community Council is this Wed evening
The next meeting of the Community Council is this Wed night at 19:30 at St Catherine Argyle, Grange Road.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
What do you think of the Play Area Action Plan?
Comments are invited on the City of Edinburgh Council Play Area Action Plan until 18th November 2011.
The plan aims to guide the improvement of existing play areas and to identify new opportunities for facilities across the city.
If you prefer you can fill in an online questionnaire on the Play Area Action Plan.
The plan aims to guide the improvement of existing play areas and to identify new opportunities for facilities across the city.
If you prefer you can fill in an online questionnaire on the Play Area Action Plan.
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
NHS Lothian: Health link newsletter - Autumn 2011 edition
updated 26 Sep 2011 @ 21:05
The Autumn 2011 edition of NHS Lothian's Health Link newspaper has now been published (update 26 Sep 2011: now online (PDF)).
It contains features on (among other things) better eating, consultation on addiction services, the new Sick Kids, Flu, World heart day, changes to buses serving hospitals, new website, cancer awareness, a new birthing centre and transplant donors.
Paper copies will be available at the Community Council meeting on 28 Sep.
The Autumn 2011 edition of NHS Lothian's Health Link newspaper has now been published (update 26 Sep 2011: now online (PDF)).
It contains features on (among other things) better eating, consultation on addiction services, the new Sick Kids, Flu, World heart day, changes to buses serving hospitals, new website, cancer awareness, a new birthing centre and transplant donors.
Paper copies will be available at the Community Council meeting on 28 Sep.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Draft action plan for the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site
The Management Plan for the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site was approved by the Planning Committee of te City of Edinburgh Council on 19 May 2011.
The draft Action Plan for the Site has now been prepared by Edinburgh World Heritage, Historic Scotland and the Council. It was approved by the Planning Committee of the Council on 11 August 2011 as a draft for consultation and the Council are now seeking our help to further develop and finalise the Plan. The Action Plan translates the objectives included in the Management Plan into actions with corresponding indicators to measure progress towards achieving the objectives.
Please forward any comments that you may have on the Plan to: Jack Gillon, City Development by the end of October 2011.
The draft Action Plan for the Site has now been prepared by Edinburgh World Heritage, Historic Scotland and the Council. It was approved by the Planning Committee of the Council on 11 August 2011 as a draft for consultation and the Council are now seeking our help to further develop and finalise the Plan. The Action Plan translates the objectives included in the Management Plan into actions with corresponding indicators to measure progress towards achieving the objectives.
Please forward any comments that you may have on the Plan to: Jack Gillon, City Development by the end of October 2011.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
NHS Lothian South Edinburgh Public Partnership Forum meetings in Sep & Dec
Do you want to find out more more about health services in Edinburgh? If you become a member of the South Edinburgh Public Partnership Forum you could get more involved in developing local services.
The next meetings of the Forum are from 11am to 1pm at Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place on:
+ Th 29 Sep
+ Th 1 Dec
The next meetings of the Forum are from 11am to 1pm at Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place on:
+ Th 29 Sep
+ Th 1 Dec
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