Comments are invited on draft guidance prepared to support local plan policy dealing with purpose-built student accommodation. When approved in its final form it will be used by the Council to assess planning applications. Please respond by 11 May 2010 to
This blog is where you will find community council information, including meeting times, minutes and agenda. Do please comment on postings.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Monday, 29 March 2010
James Gillespie's Primary School Council Blog
A James Gillespie's Primary School Council Blog is now live.
This includes a link to their most recent newsletter (PDF).
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Note of March EACC Question Time about Policing
(Unapproved) minutes of the March EACC Question Time about Policing are now available at the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils website
Draft Open Space Strategy: consultation till 21 May 10
Between May and July last year City of Edinburgh Council consulted on an open space audit. They received over 900 comments in addition to almost 700 completed questionnaires and as a result of these the audit was updated and approved in its final form in December 2009. A summary of the comments will be made available at locations listed below by 2 April and an interactive online audit will be updated shortly.
The next stage involves the preparation of the Open Space Strategy itself. The draft strategy was approved for consultation by the Council’s Policy and Strategy and Planning Committees in February 2010. The purpose of the strategy will be to ensure that a coordinated approach is taken to meeting Edinburgh’s open space needs and protecting and developing the city’s network of open spaces. As part of this, the strategy sets out standards for the provision of different types of open space in Edinburgh. It is also supported by 12 action plans, one for each neighbourhood partnership area.
Consultation on the draft strategy runs for a period of eight weeks from 26 March to 21 May.
During this time, comments on the draft strategy and the accompanying environmental report can be made to Finlay Martin at . Comments made will be taken into account when preparing the final strategy.
Copies of the draft strategy, action plans, list of public events and environmental report will be available at the following locations by 2 April:
- Planning and Building Standards Reception, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street (opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 am to 5.00 pm, and from 8:30 am to 3.40 pm on Friday)
- all Council Libraries during normal opening hours.
In the meantime these documents are available on the Council’s website at .
Results reported from CEC Annual Neighbourhood Survey
The results of the most recent City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) Annual Neighbourhood Survey (ANS) have been reported to the Policy & Strategy Committee and are now available at Annual Neighbourhood Survey Findings 2009. The ANS is the Council's largest survey of its residents and focuses mainly on services which support Services for Communities key objectives which are to make Edinburgh Clean, Green, Safe, Well-housed, Well-maintained, Well-informed and Well-engaged.
The report reveals that over the three years the ANS has been running, satisfaction with most services has increased substantially. Satisfaction with neighbourhood management has increased and satisfaction with neighbourhoods as a place to live remains high. Satisfaction with the overall service provided by neighbourhood offices and aspects of customer care has also remained consistently high over the past three years.
Findings from the report will be used to continually improve local service delivery across the city. Analysis of findings at the Neighbourhood Partnership level will be communicated through the NP website and from your local Neighbourhood Teams from early April 2010 onwards.
EUSA Community Guide
The Edinburgh University Students Association Community Living Guide can be found at the EUSA website .
Each Edinburgh University student with a room in an HMO should have received a copy.
Each Edinburgh University student with a room in an HMO should have received a copy.
Monday, 15 March 2010
for comment: draft planning guideline on Change of Use in Residential Properties
The City of Edinburgh Council are seeking views on a draft planning guideline: Change of Use in Residential Properties.
This has been prepared to support local plan policy dealing with changes of use in residential properties. It will replace existing guidelines on: Guest Houses (1998); Private Day Nurseries (1999); and Working from Home (2006).
When approved in its final form, the guideline will be used by the Council to assess planning applications for change of use in residential properties.
Comments are invited by Tu 13 April to
for consultation: planning guidance on Biodiversity, and Landscape and Development
Draft planning guidance has been produced to advise on good practise when considering Biodiversity and Landscape issues. Comments are now requested on:
* Edinburgh Planning Guidance – Biodiversity (PDF, 2mb)
* Edinburgh Planning Guidance – Landscape and Development (PDF, 2.5mb)
Please respond to before 23 April 2010.
* Edinburgh Planning Guidance – Biodiversity (PDF, 2mb)
* Edinburgh Planning Guidance – Landscape and Development (PDF, 2.5mb)
Please respond to before 23 April 2010.
City of Edinburgh Community Councils Newsletter & office-bearers
The most recent edition of the Edinburgh Community Council Newsletter (PDF) and a list of CC Office-bearers (.doc) are now available at .
Comments requested by 10 May: Developer Contributions for Public Realm
A Draft Developer Contributions for Public Realm Guideline is now the subject of a consultation. This follows on from The Public Realm Strategy, which focuses on providing developers and practitioners with an understanding of the Council’s aspirations for a consistent and high quality approach to public spaces. The Public Realm Strategy states that funding for public realm projects can no longer be considered solely the responsibility of the public sector.
Whilst comments are welcome regarding any aspect of the guide, the Council would be particularly interested to hear your views regarding the following:
- Is the principle of developer contributions a good way of delivering public realm?
- Should the area of contribution be limited to the Central Area?
- Is the level of contribution acceptable?
Comments are requested by Monday 10 May 2010 to
Whilst comments are welcome regarding any aspect of the guide, the Council would be particularly interested to hear your views regarding the following:
- Is the principle of developer contributions a good way of delivering public realm?
- Should the area of contribution be limited to the Central Area?
- Is the level of contribution acceptable?
Comments are requested by Monday 10 May 2010 to
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Work proceeds to close off Meadow Place
Work proceeds to close off Meadow Place and realign the cycle path running across the triangle bounded by Marchmont Road, Melville Drive and Meadow Place.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Agenda: meeting of Community Council on We 10 Mar 2010 at 7:30pm
The next meeting of the Community Council will be held on On March 10th at 7.30pm in St Catherine’s Argyle Church Community Hall, Grange Road.
All who live or work or are active in the area are welcome.
Hearing loop available.
Tea/ Coffee will be available beforehand
1] Welcome and introductions
2] Minutes of the meeting of 10th February
3] Matters Arising
a) Community Group Event 24th February
4] Police Report
5] Sub Group reports:
a) Planning Group (Sarah Sandow)
b) HMOs Group (Ann Laird)
c) Parking Group (Susie Agnew)
d) Garden Competition (Tina Cumming
6] External Meetings
a) Friends of the Meadows (Alison Service)
b) Children and Young People’s Forum (Alastair Philp)
c) Environmental forums – Road/pavement improvements for 2010/11
d) EACC question time: police (Tina Cumming)
7] Meeting Schedule for next 12 months
8] Publicity
9] Any other business
10] Date of next meeting April 14
Papers will be linked from this agenda as they become available
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