This blog is where you will find community council information, including meeting times, minutes and agenda. Do please comment on postings.

Friday 24 May 2024

MSCC Draft Agenda for April 2024


M archmont & Sciennes

Community Council

Meeting on Wednesday 24th April, 2024

at .7.30 pm

To be held at St Catherine’s Argyle Church Hall


1 Sederunt and apologies

2 Draft Minutes of last meeting 27th March, 2024

Matters arising not included on this agenda

3 Police Report

4 Report from JR Builders, Calum Bell

5 City Councillor report on topical local issues

Items for discussion

6 Publicity

7 Planning (Applications & consultation) (Grange report circulated)

8 FOMBL and Meadows Festival

10 Update on Sewer Flooding project (if available)

Items for information

11 Treasurer's report (circulated)

12 Meetings attended

13 Bin hub situation

14 AOB

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 22nd May, 2024

All who live or work locally are welcome to attend

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