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Saturday 4 November 2023

MSCC Minutes for 27th September 2023


Marchmont and Sciennes Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on September 27th, 2023 at St. Catherine’s Argyle Church Hall


Present: Brian Gilmore - MSCC Chair, Anne Laing - MSCC Secretary, Douglas Rogers - MSCC, Susie Agnew - MSCC, Srahan - Home Group, Callum Bell - Home Group, Cllr. Simita Kumar, Polly Gates - local resident, Bob Gates - local resident, Margaret Coughtrie- local resident, Tony Holmes - TLA, Norah Rogers - local resident, Richard Dietrich - member of public, Katherine Dickie - local resident, Donald Dickie - local resident


Apologies: Alison Service - MSCC Treasurer, Donald Henderson - MSCC


Attending: Eli Ferrell - Temporary Minutes Secretary


Meeting began at 7:36pm


Draft Minutes of 28/06/23

Douglas Rogers movies to approve the minutes.


Matters Arising

There are no other matters arising.


Police Report (last CPT circulated)

A report has been circulated.

Katherine Dickie notes that there have been burglaries in the area recently. Donald Dickie notes that the police do not communicate with the neighbourhood watch on these issues. Police resources seem focused on distributing information on cyber crime.

There was a police representative at the Morningside CC meeting. Anne Laing will attempt to invite them to the next MSCC meeting.


JR group reporting about Sylvan Place Road closure and development (Callum Bell, Project Manager; Graham Gemmell, Home Group)

The substation is not yet demolished, but there will soon be demolishing of that site so that operations can commence on site. The funding offer was approved in office, so JR group has accepted the tender. Ground works should begin at the end of October, as the clearing license expires at midnight on October 28th. JR Group is currently looking at a 90-week program before residents can move in due to the complexities of the site, although Anne notes that this was originally pitched as a shorter project.


It has been deemed more productive to maintain full closure than partial closure, as full closure will allow for a quicker completion of the project. Work will happen Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm, and some Saturday work from 8am-2pm. Douglas Rogers notes that Rillbank Crescent is not being closed because the diversion signs would be confusing with the Scottish Water closures.


A tower crane will be put in at the back of the site. At Douglas’s suggestion, JR group will see if it’s possible for the barriers to be a foot back from the curb in order to limit the impact on community.


There will be 31 units, divided into general needs and mid-market rent.


Cllr. Simita Kumar notes there have been complaints about litter from the site. There will be an effort made to mitigate that issue.


Meadows and Bruntsfield Links

Ongoing issues: A report has been circulated from the 4th of September.


City Councillor report on local issues (Simita Kumar, Councillor)

Simita Kumar used to have an office in Mellville. She is a part-time councillor and works part-time at the NHS. Some cases she’s dealt with in the past year were focused around roads, homelessness, and installing toilets in the Meadows. Her remit is focused on rights, responsibilities, and education for care-experienced children and young people.


Sylvan Place is closed from today through the 90-week period.


Phase 4 bin reviews: there will be a space for the communal bins and also a space for controlled parking.


Council offices have identified eight schools that potentially have RAAC, none of which are in this ward. They have not yet completed surveys on community centres. Repairs costs will be in the billions, so the council has reached out to the UK government for assistance. Guidance on RAAC is on the website if you need more information.


Sciennes Primary School still has a closed road in front. Council offices has taken legal advice, and this issue is ongoing. Cllr. Kumar says that parents are concerned that there are still cars coming in while this area is closed (due to a lack of physical barrier and only flashing lights). Margaret Coughtrie points out that the notices are confusing, which could be causing the issue--this will be brought forward to Council Offices.



There is no report.


Sick Kids site

A report has been circulated.

Douglas reports the contractors are discussing selling Millerfield Place in spring of next year. They will put up a notice board with quarterly updates.


Planning applications

A report has been partially circulated from the Grange Association, and will be completely circulated after the meeting. Most applications have been refused.

They accepted an application to increase the numbers of parking spaces in front of the main hospital from 12 to 18. Douglas points out this will cause significantly greater traffic.



Bin hub project update

Anne Laing reports Bin hubs in Fingal Place were planned to be in front of two doors. This caused disruption in the community, so the hub has been moved.


Richard Dietrich reports there has been no resolution to the complaints about the bin hubs’ location on Warrender Park Terrace. The new placement is the same as the placement that was objected to twenty years ago. If there is a continuation of placement where the community has objected to, he points out there is perhaps grounds to appeal because the community should have been consulted on the guidelines for bin placements that the Council set, and they were not consulted.


There is a report from Richard Dietrich that mixed waste and recycling was taken by the same rubbish lorry in Warrender Park Terrace.


Update on Sewer Flooding project

A report has been circulated.


Bus Route Update

Brian Gilmore reports bus route number 9 is no longer going down Bridges/Chamber Street. Following successful complaints, it is now going down the Mound.


Treasurer’s Report

 A report has been circulated.


Meetings attended

Conservation & Adaption and Energy Efficiency Strategy meetings were attended by Douglas. Additionally, he has given two talks to different Communities Councils on Conservation Zone Insulation problems. He is now attempting to bring together CC representatives to consolidate a recommendation document for residents.



Christmas Events: a report has been circulating stating that everything is on track for the 25th of November.


Sciennes Road litter issues: this was discussed by the Councillors and the developers.


Short-term lets: Richard Dietrich would like community support contesting the short-term let in Warrender Park Terrace. Unfortunately, this kind of support is not the purview of the community council. Any protests should be directed to the Council.


Community buy-out of St Catherine’s of Argyle: there has been no more movement on this issue.


Date of next meeting

October 25th, 2023

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