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Thursday 28 September 2023

MSCC Minutes for June 2023 + AGM


Marchmont and Sciennes Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on June 28th, 2023 at St. Catherine’s Argyle Church Hall


Present: Brian Gilmore - MSCC Chair, Alison Service - MSCC Treasurer, Anne Laing - MSCC Secretary, Douglas Rogers - MSCC, Graham Gemmell - Home Group, Calum Bell - Home Group, Cllr. Steve Burgess, Cllr. Marie-Clair Munro, Jane Bauham - local resident, Geoff Parsons - local resident, Norah Rogers - local resident, Margot Alexander - local resident, Elizabeth Thompson - local resident, Ken McKendrick - Sylvan Place, Donald Henderson - Grange Association, Jim Orr - FOMBL, Katherine Dickie - local resident, Donald Dickie - local resident, James Long - local resident


Apologies: Susie Agnew - MSCC, Ian Murray - MP,  Kayleigh Gordon - MSCC Publicity, Lianne Phillips - MSCC Publicity


Attending: Nora Flynn-McIver - Minutes Secretary


Meeting began at 7:31pm


Draft Minutes of 31/05/23

Two typo changes.

Alison moves to pass, Anne seconds.


Matters Arising

Thirlestane Lane parking for Warrender Baths staff – no update but staff not allowed to park there. Anne asked about updates on parking dispensations in our area and will contact Tim Pogson about the issue.

Defibrillator: no news on new management of Earl of Marchmont.

Anne took over doing local notice boards until Publicity is less busy.


Home Group Presentation regarding Sylvan Place development

Home Group is the construction group for the nonprofit affordable housing site at the corner of Sylvan Place. They were looking to receive a funding proposal by July of 2023, commence works in October of 2023, and finish work by July of 2025. Downing has taken a long time to demolish the substation, but should have that done by the end August and commence works in October. All dates are subject to change. They are awaiting the affordable housing contribution from the Council - final figures yet to be confirmed. This could also affect the projected timeline.

On traffic management: The build is logistically difficult to carry out because of a lack of space. The road closure would be Sylvan Place and part of Rillbank Tce (more than half of Rillbank will not be approved, due to congestion issues). JR Group is trying to start the process as quickly as possible, their goal is to minimise the amount of problems that residents face, and their only way of doing this is a full closure of the northern part of Sylvan Place up to the student accommodation. The construction company offered to come to MSCC meetings monthly. Ken McKendrick expressed concerns of the lack of approval for a closure of Rillbank, citing the reason of the Scottish Water sewage project and Health & Safety as being ‘red herrings’ and proposed someone reaching out to the approval body. Ken McKendrick also asked whether the crane being parked on the street was necessary, as it had not been in the original plans. Home Group responded that this has to do not only with the crane, but also health and safety. Ken McKendrick stressed that it will be difficult for residents on the street to be able to access their homes. The access for the site will be on Rillbank, and the road cannot be fully closed. The JR Group said that the goal is to have a full road closure for the least amount of time, and that even a full closure of Rillbank would not stop the closure of  Sylvan Place for several months. 

Douglas Rogers stated that he also does not want this to happen, points out that Downing is currently working outside of health and safety rules, and respects Home Group and JR Group for the efforts that they have made. He also asked that JR Group help if there is any heavy lifting/carrying for local residents needed in the area and they said they would help certainly help where possible. 

Brian suggested that Cllr. Tim Pogson put pressure on the Roads Committee to explain the connection between Rillbank and the Scottish Water works, as no-one can see a link with this development.

Brian asked if the road could be opened on weekends, but this will not be possible due to health and safety. Katherine Dickie asked if the barricade could be opened if an emergency vehicle needed to get through, JR Group says they do have a plan for this. Brian asked if any power cuts could be expected, JR Group said that this is a Scottish Power issue. Geoff Parsons asked how many parking spaces will be lost, and how this will be fixed. JR Group is paying for the parking as a part of the contract, Sciennes Road parking is open to Zone 7 residents.


Meadows and Bruntsfield Links

AGM will be in September for FOMBL.


City Councillor report on local issues

Council is currently in recess for the summer.

Cllr Steve Burgess: Education Committee is proposing to remove voting rights for religious representatives on committee, as parent representatives do not have a vote. The idea behind this is that only those who are elected by constituents should be able to vote. This issue has been postponed for consultation, as the Catholic Church is concerned about this. The representatives will still be able to sit on committee either way. One solution proposed is to bring contentious issues to full committee.

Sciennes playground/road closure is continuing, there will likely be a road closure for motor vehicles in front of the school. This school has one of the smallest play areas per pupil in the city, they are currently handling legal issues. Douglas Rogers asked for updates on this issue in order to coordinate with the Sick Kids Site project who would like to see a full road closure from top of Sylvan Place.

Alison asked if there has been any movement on permanent toilets for the Meadows, Cllr. Burgess said that there is no update that he is aware of but he will check the issue.

Margot Alexander asked about the bad state of the road on Fingal/Rillbank etc, and Cllr. Burgess said that this is likely to be fixed after building works are done.

Cllr. Marie-Clair Munro updated about the issue with location of bin hubs, which has an ongoing consultation finishing on July 16th on this issue at the moment.  Many residents have not heard about where the bin hubs will be placed. There will be a drop-in session this Friday at Barclay Church 2-5pm. Residents can email There will be another drop-in session for Morningside residents on July 6th.

The Experimental Traffic Regulation Order reaching from Greenbank to the Meadows is up for review. Residents tend to think that the layout of the ETRO is not ideal, so there will be a new one for residents to comment on. This is on the Council website.

There was graffiti on the phone boxes outside of James Gillespie High School - should be fixed soon. There has been more graffiti in the area, but if on a private building, the owner must take charge of cleaning.




Approve note of last year’s AGM

Alison moves to approve, Anne seconds.


Matters arising from AGM minutes



Annual Report - Chair

Issues that have been raised: Christmas tree event was done well and started well after Covid. The Sick Kids site issue has come up frequently. The Astley Ainsley development has gone quiet for now but will likely come up more. The number 41 bus issue has been discussed at two meetings. The Scottish Water send regular updates and attended one meeting. The Meadows Toilets and local defibrillator are still ongoing

Thanks to: Anne Laing, Alison Service, Kayleigh Gordon, Lianne Phillips, Douglas Rogers, the Grange Association (Nigel Ayton and Donald Henderson).


Annual Report - Secretary

Ian Murray’s online petition about the 41 bus is still ongoing. The Warrender Swim Centre has been reopened.  Thanks to: Publicity team


Annual Report and presentation of audited accounts - Treasurer

Income: EDC Grant, £737   Outgoing: Minute Secretary, hall rental, memberships, insurance

Surplus of: £126, currently looking at local projects.  We will discuss forward financial plan at next meeting. Thanks were given to: Jim Orr, Convenor of FOMBL who independently reviewed the MSCC accounts.


Election of Officers

Douglas Rogers proposes Brian Gilmore as Chair, Alison seconds. No other nominations. Brian Gilmore is elected Chair.

Alison Service proposes Anne Laing, Norah Rogers seconds. No other nominations. Anne Laing is elected as Secretary.

Anne Laing proposes Alison Service, Douglas Rogers seconds. No other nominationsAlison Service is elected as Treasurer.


Date of Next AGM

The next AGM will be June 24th, 2024. The next Council elections will likely be held in May, so the next AGM will be held under the next Council, and may be subject to change.


Ordinary Meeting Dates for 2023-2024

Proposed: 4th Wednesday of each month, other than July, August, December. This is agreed.



No updates.


Sick Kids site

A report has been circulated.

Margot Alexander asked about the Mortuary Chapel, Douglas Rogers said that the issue has come to an impasse, as Downing wants money for the chapel. It is likely that the Mortuary Chapel will be put on the market, the hope is that someone will buy the building who wants to give it back to the community. There will not be a community buyout on this issue.

A planning application has been put in for changes to the hospital block, Douglas Rogers wants to see if he can gain access to the site, as the pictures look promising.


Scottish Water update

Report has been circulated, there will be road closures that divert onto Argyle Place.


Bus route update

Cllr. Marie-Clair Munro reported that the Transport Committee had a meeting that was ultimately fruitless, and Lothian Buses will not be reinstating the bus route no matter what. Alison had written for the MSCC with suggestions for route changes and inviting them to attend our meeting, but did not receive a reply. Margot Alexander asked about the plans to close George Street, this has been approved by the Transport Committee, but they are currently looking at ways to open access to taxis. Businesses are concerned but it is all part of the government’s goal to be net zero by 2030. Anne Laing asked about plans to close George IV Bridge, as there is talk that they are looking at putting in a quiet route.


Planning applications

A report has been circulated.

There have been three phone mast applications, two have been refused, one is still accepting comments (Blackford and Grange Loan). 

The student accommodation application for 140 Causewayside has had a meeting on it, there are mock-ups available. There is a general consensus that the plan looks good, but it is still a large undertaking. The only concern brought up is that the buildings behind the building. The people involved in this offered to come to the meeting, we may invite them again in September if the issue is still hot.

There is an application on Sciennes Road to convert a garage into a separate liveable space for tenants,but it is likely to be refused and the Grange Association also objects..


Treasurer’s Report 

Report has been circulated.


Meetings attended 

No updates.



Council has been planning on replacing the Jawbones, with several different plans circulating, one being with a bronze replica costing £120k. Alison felt the money had beeter uses for The Meadows and would prefer to will support a historical notice board freeing the money to go towards permanent toilets on The Meadows. The bones cannot be put back, so it is either replicas or nothing.  James Long said that many people have fond memories of the Jawbones, and will look at possible ways of  replacing them.

Ex-Cllr Cameron Rose had raised c.£20,000 for the Save the Jawbones campaign and Alison said she would contact him to check what happened to the funds, though may well have been used in the restoration attempts.


Date of next meeting 

September 27th, 2023




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