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Wednesday 11 June 2008

Minutes of AGM 20th June 2008

Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 20 June 2007 at St Catherine’s Argyle Community Hall, Grange Road, Edinburgh

Elected Representatives: Susie Agnew, Tina Cumming, Ken Dougall, Hugh Leather, Melanie Main, Sarah Sandow, Linda Smith, Ruth Stroud.
Local Interest Group Representatives: Susanna Lacey; Cherry Ledlie, Dorothy Ryle.
Members and others: Mike Cumming, Cllr Alison Johnstone, Anne Laing, Sarah Marchbank, Audrey Simon, John Simon.
Apologies: Steve Burgess; PC Bruce Burt; Cllr McInnes; Cllr Marilyne MacLaren; Alastair Philp; Anne Laird; Mike Pringle MSP; Fiona Scott.

1 Minutes of the 2006 Annual General Meeting
Melanie Main explained that she was standing in for Anne Laird as Chair for the meeting. She welcomed attendees to the meeting and noted apologies. The minutes of the 2006 AGM were approved. (Proposed: Tina Cumming; Seconded: Susie Agnew)

2 Treasurer’s Report
Melanie Main explained that the 2005/06 accounts hadn’t been ready for approval at the last AGM, and that the MSCC accounts for both 2005/06 and 2006/07 were therefore being submitted for the group’s approval. A summary of both sets of accounts was tabled, and Melanie summarised that the finances are very healthy, with around £3000 in the bank.

There was a brief discussion of the accounts, and Melanie Main answered all queries raised. By general consensus the accounts were approved, and the group gratefully accepted Ed Skedd’s offer to continue as auditor.
 Ed Skedd will be sent a cheque for £50 as a token of the MSCC’s appreciation.
 Anyone with ideas of worthwhile ways of spending some of the MSCC’s surplus money for the benefit of the local community should raise the issue at future meeting.
 Hugh Leather will set up a private web-space to be viewed by MSCC members only. The accounts will be made available on this web-space, and regularly updated.

3 Chairwoman’s Report
Melanie Main read out Anne Laird’s report of the MSCC’s activities for 2006/07, and the group was happy to adopt this report as an accurate record.
 Hugh Leather will make the Chairwoman’s Report available on the MSCC blog.

4 Election of Office Bearers and Community Council Elected Member
4.1 Election of MSCC members
Tina Cumming nominated Sarah Marchbank to fill the remaining vacancy on the MSCC. This was seconded by Linda Smith, and Sarah was appointed a MSCC member.
4.2 Election of Chair
There being no volunteers for the role of Chair, Susie Agnew was asked if she would take on the role. Susie explained that she felt unsuited to the role, and unable to commit the time the role truly deserves. However, in the absence of volunteers, she agreed to accept the role until a replacement chair could be found, and on the condition MSCC members and attendees would play an active role in volunteering to undertake action points arising from the meetings. Susie Agnew was therefore appointed MSCC chair. (Proposed: Dorothy Ryle; seconded: Sarah Sandow.)
4.3 Election of Secretary
Susannah Lacey nominated Hugh Leather as Secretary. This was seconded by Ken Dougall, and Hugh Leather was appointed MSCC Secretary.
4.4 Election of Treasurer
Anne Laing nominated Sarah Marchbank as Treasurer. This was seconded by Sarah Sandow, and Sarah Marchbank was appointed MSCC Treasurer.
4.5 Election of Vice Chair
Linda Smith nominated Anne Laird as Vice Chair. This was seconded by Ken Dougall, and Anne Laird was appointed MSCC Vice Chair.

5 Any other business
A number of other issues were discussed during the meeting:

5.1 Matters Arising from 2006 AGM
Melanie Main updated the group:
 Money has been made available for a memorial tree for Mr Harris and this matter is progressing.
 Edinburgh City Council has decided to go ahead with the proposed street refurbishment in Marchmont (draft plans for this refurbishment were presented at the March MSCC meeting). Council representatives would like to come to a future meeting of the MSCC to discuss the refurbishment further with local residents.

5.2 Grant application
Melanie Main explained that the Council’s planned street refurbishment will remove the need for the MSSC to obtain a grant to pay for new notice boards for that area, and that the MSCC has the option of withdrawing its current grant application and re-presenting an amended application. The group discussed other possible improvements that might be included in an amended grant application, including:
 The need to make improvements to those areas of Marchmont not included in the Council’s planned street refurbishment.
 The possibility of putting a notice board in the Causewayside area.
 The replacement of the broken bench at the west end of the cemetery.

Melanie Main will look into the possible revision of the grant application after the summer.

5.3 Blog
 Hugh Leather will give a presentation at a future MSCC meeting explaining how the blog works, including an explanation of a function that allows certain areas of webspace to be accessible to MSCC members only.
 Hugh Leather will look into ensuring those without internet access can access relevant information from the blog.

The meeting concluded, and the ordinary meeting of the MSCC began.

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