The Scottish Government is currently consulting on proposals for improving the way in which school closure proposals might be handled in the future. Given the role of schools in their communities, the consultation will be of potential interest to Community Councils (and the paper was sent to the Association of Scottish Community Councils when the consultation began).
You can access our consultation paper, “Safeguarding our Rural Schools and Improving School Consultation Procedures: Proposals for Changes to Legislation” on the Scottish Government website at:, and a summary version is available at: If you would like hard copies of the full consultation paper, or the summary, please telephone on 0131 244 0166 to request hard copies, or e-mail your request to Further information about the consultation, including details of public meetings, are available on the Parentzone website
School Closures
How to respond
We very much want to know your views on the changes we are proposing. You can:
send them to us by post to:
School Closure Consultation CRE995
CSU, Spur U5b, Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 3XD
e-mail your views to us at
complete an on-line response form on the Scottish Government website at
Safeguarding Schools
However you respond, please complete and return a Respondent Information Form, available on the Scottish Government website and in the full consultation paper. This helps us to make sure that we treat your response appropriately. If you ask for your response not to be published we will regard it as confidential and treat it accordingly.
Should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail ( or by telephone on 0131 244 0166.
Yours faithfully
This blog is where you will find community council information, including meeting times, minutes and agenda. Do please comment on postings.
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Edinburgh City Council Leader's Report - June 2008
Edinburgh City Council is now entering the recess period when no formal meetings or Council business is conducted.
The Leader's report can be accessed at:
Leader's Report
I do hope that you will find much of interest in the report.
The Leader's report can be accessed at:
Leader's Report
I do hope that you will find much of interest in the report.
Edinburgh Council,
Leaders Report
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Parks and Greenspace Survey

Readers with an interest in Edinburgh's parks might be interested to fill in a questionnaire that City of Edinburgh Council have on their website, which says:
"Parks are special places – green oases in our city. They are places where you can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, exercise, watch wildlife or simply relax.
We want to know what you think about your local park or greenspace in Edinburgh. Is it a wildlife haven or a waste ground? Do you love it or loathe it? Is it litter-strewn or is it litter free?
Respondents will be entered into a prize draw to win high street vouchers and spending sprees at the Council's Inch Nursery plant sale."
Friday, 13 June 2008
War Memorial Trust
War Memorials Trust (WMT) is the only national charity dedicated to the conservation and repair of war memorials throughout the UK. The charity aims to promote and support the preservation of war memorials so that they continue to be valued as an important part of our national heritage. As the nation marks the 90th anniversary of the end of WWI this year we know many communities are looking to ensure their memorials are in a fit condition for Remembrance events. Through its grant schemes War Memorials Trust can contribute financially towards repair and conservation projects to war memorials.
The Trust currently runs two grant schemes which support war memorial conservation and repair projects in Scotland.
The first scheme Small Grants Scheme in Scotland was only recently launched and is run in collaboration with Historic Scotland. It can support the conservation and repair of only freestanding war memorials in Scotland. To be eligible the war memorial must not be part of another building e.g. a plaque within or attached to another building. The scheme can fund up to 75% of the total eligible costs of the project up to a maximum of £7,500.
The conservation and repair of non-freestanding war memorials in Scotland is eligible for assistance under WMT’s general Small Grant Scheme that can and has, since its creation in 1998, been supporting work to all types of war memorials throughout the UK. The scheme currently awards grants of up to 50% of eligible costs, with a maximum of £2,500.
WMT encourages you to examine the war memorials within your area (whether
freestanding in the form of a cross, cenotaph, lych gate, etc or non-freestanding such as plaques, stained glass windows, rolls of honour, etc) to determine whether they require any conservation works. Such works may include limited cleaning and re-cutting of eroded inscriptions, structural works, applying protective coatings and many more. Both schemes are open to anyone to apply so if you feel that this funding opportunity may be of interest to other local groups or private custodians of war memorials, please do not hesitate to forward this information on.
Application packs for this scheme can be found on our website (
or by contacting our office on 020 7881 0862 or To
discuss further which grant scheme to apply for, or for further information please contact the Conservation Officer at the above.
WMT also publishes advice sheets on a wide range of war memorial issues including that of maintenance of war memorials. This includes useful information on what a
maintenance plan for a war memorial should include. All advice sheets can be
downloaded from the Trust’s website.
The Trust currently runs two grant schemes which support war memorial conservation and repair projects in Scotland.
The first scheme Small Grants Scheme in Scotland was only recently launched and is run in collaboration with Historic Scotland. It can support the conservation and repair of only freestanding war memorials in Scotland. To be eligible the war memorial must not be part of another building e.g. a plaque within or attached to another building. The scheme can fund up to 75% of the total eligible costs of the project up to a maximum of £7,500.
The conservation and repair of non-freestanding war memorials in Scotland is eligible for assistance under WMT’s general Small Grant Scheme that can and has, since its creation in 1998, been supporting work to all types of war memorials throughout the UK. The scheme currently awards grants of up to 50% of eligible costs, with a maximum of £2,500.
WMT encourages you to examine the war memorials within your area (whether
freestanding in the form of a cross, cenotaph, lych gate, etc or non-freestanding such as plaques, stained glass windows, rolls of honour, etc) to determine whether they require any conservation works. Such works may include limited cleaning and re-cutting of eroded inscriptions, structural works, applying protective coatings and many more. Both schemes are open to anyone to apply so if you feel that this funding opportunity may be of interest to other local groups or private custodians of war memorials, please do not hesitate to forward this information on.
Application packs for this scheme can be found on our website (
or by contacting our office on 020 7881 0862 or To
discuss further which grant scheme to apply for, or for further information please contact the Conservation Officer at the above.
WMT also publishes advice sheets on a wide range of war memorial issues including that of maintenance of war memorials. This includes useful information on what a
maintenance plan for a war memorial should include. All advice sheets can be
downloaded from the Trust’s website.
War Memorials
The 1973 Local Government (Scotland) Act required all local authorities to prepare a Scheme for Community Councils. The Scheme provides a framework governing their creation and operation.
The next community council elections are due to be held in October 2009 and there is an opportunity prior to these elections to review the current Scheme to ensure that it is ‘fit for purpose’.
Community councils have a key role in representing the community’s view on the 12 Neighbourhood Partnerships. With these new responsibilities there is an increasing demand for community councils to demonstrate that they are accountable and transparent bodies. It will also be important to revise areas of the Scheme where there is insufficient clarity or guidance as part of this process.
The Review will require an extensive consultation process in line with statutory requirements. Throughout this period, community councils will be kept informed of issues that emerge from the engagement process.
Consultation is also underway on a national model scheme and code of conduct. Findings from the National Review will help to inform the Edinburgh Review of the Scheme.
Attached is the questionnaire, the Edinburgh Community Council Scheme and the draft Code of Conduct from the National Review. The community council could complete the enclosed questionnaire by 31 August 2008.
Copies of the questionnaire are available from the secretary at
or by clicking on link below
Review of Community Councils
These should be returned by 31 AUGUST 2008 to
Eileen Hewitt
Community Council Liaison & Development Officer
Services for Communities
Waverley Court
Level C:4
4 East Market Street
Tel: 0131 469 3838
The 1973 Local Government (Scotland) Act required all local authorities to prepare a Scheme for Community Councils. The Scheme provides a framework governing their creation and operation.
The next community council elections are due to be held in October 2009 and there is an opportunity prior to these elections to review the current Scheme to ensure that it is ‘fit for purpose’.
Community councils have a key role in representing the community’s view on the 12 Neighbourhood Partnerships. With these new responsibilities there is an increasing demand for community councils to demonstrate that they are accountable and transparent bodies. It will also be important to revise areas of the Scheme where there is insufficient clarity or guidance as part of this process.
The Review will require an extensive consultation process in line with statutory requirements. Throughout this period, community councils will be kept informed of issues that emerge from the engagement process.
Consultation is also underway on a national model scheme and code of conduct. Findings from the National Review will help to inform the Edinburgh Review of the Scheme.
Attached is the questionnaire, the Edinburgh Community Council Scheme and the draft Code of Conduct from the National Review. The community council could complete the enclosed questionnaire by 31 August 2008.
Copies of the questionnaire are available from the secretary at
or by clicking on link below
Review of Community Councils
These should be returned by 31 AUGUST 2008 to
Eileen Hewitt
Community Council Liaison & Development Officer
Services for Communities
Waverley Court
Level C:4
4 East Market Street
Tel: 0131 469 3838
Edinburgh Association of Community Councils AGM
The EACC AGM will be held on Saturday 21 June at 10 am in the European Room, City Chambers. If you wish to attend from MSCC please contact Jenny on
Trams Final Design Exhibition
11th June 2008 news release
Final Phase of Tram Utility Diversions Announced for Haymarket Interchange
tie Limited has announced the final phase of the tram utility diversion work in the city centre which will take place at the Haymarket Interchange.
This critical utility diversion work that has been underway across the City since September 2007 will now enter its final phase in July 2008 and will end in February 2009.
The work will be carried out in five distinct stages, with the first three stages being completed by early November.
Associated enabling work starting on June 16th will see the introduction of temporary pedestrian crossings at key locations so as to ensure the continued safety and uninhibited flow of the walking public.
As in our other sections of work, important temporary traffic management solutions have been carefully developed so as to ensure the free flow of traffic through the different phases.
During the enabling works it is our intention that the Caledonian Alehouse will be demolished. This will be done in a structured way so as to preserve the external stone work and slates for salvage. Several options are currently being explored
Willie Gallagher, Executive Chairman of tie Limited, said: “Haymarket is a critical location for the Edinburgh Tram Project and we are mindful of its importance to the City. As such, we will ensure that any impact associated with these works is lessened by good planning and robust traffic management.
“Work has already commenced on the Haymarket Station car park site and this will now branch out to on street works.
“With any of our works that have involved significant temporary traffic management diversions the assurance that the public need to hear is that we work with our partners – the City of Edinburgh Council, Lothian Buses and the emergency services. As in these other locations, we will provide for the optimum flow of traffic for both public and private.”
“Our work with local community groups has now started and it’s important that we agree solutions to issues including access and service delivery and collection arrangements as part and parcel of these works.
“We recognise that Edinburgh wants this work done quickly and safely. Our proposed methodology, alongside the traffic management measures, is the best way to achieve this.”
Bill Campbell, Lothian Buses operations director said: “Many of our busiest bus services pass through the Haymarket area so it is critical that the diversions are managed properly. As at Shandwick Place and Constitution Street, we have worked closely with tie and The City Council in the planning of the diversions and we are confidant that everything will go according to plan and that any inconvenience to passengers is kept to a minimum.”
Cllr Phil Wheeler, Transport Convener at the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Each phase of the utility diversion programme has been well managed to ensure that traffic continues to flow in the city while tram work goes on and I am sure this stage will be no different.
“Edinburgh remains very much open for business while work goes on and every effort is being taken to ensure that access to businesses for customers, services and deliveries is retained. We are also running a marketing campaign on the wealth of reasons to visit the city centre and we will continue to work with businesses on creative ways to ensure visitors and shoppers continue to come into town while work is going on.”
For further information, please contact Gordon Robertson at Media House on 0131 555 1015 or 07887 542 124.
The main temporary traffic diversions will involve using the following streets: Magdala Crescent, Eglinton Cresent, Roseberry Crescent, Grosvenor Street and Lansdowne Crescent.
Work Programme:
Stage 1 – Haymarket Station, Dalry Road and Torphicen Street
Stage 2 – Haymarket Station, Dalry completion and Manor Place junction
Stage 3 – Haymarket Station and Manor Place junction
Stage 4 – Station completion and Palmerston Place junction
Stage 5 – West Maitland Street
A series of exhibition events have been planned over the next few weeks to present the detailed design of the tram route
Monday 16th June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Haymarket - Edinburgh Park
Stenhouse & St. Aidens Church, Chesser Avenue, Edinburgh
Tuesday 17th June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Edinburgh Park – Airport
Findhorn Room, Edinburgh Marriot Hotel, 111 Glasgow Road, Edinburgh, EH12 8NS
Wednesday 18th June 20084pm – 7.30pm
Newhaven Road – Foot of the Walk
St. Mary’s Star of the Sea, 106 Constitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6AW
Thursday 19th June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Foot of the Walk – Picardy Place
St. Mary’s Cathedral, 61 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3JD
Monday 23rd June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Picardy Place – Haymarket
St. George’s West Church, 58 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh, EH2 4RT
Tuesday 24th June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Roseburn – Crewe Toll
Holiday Inn,107 Queensferry Road, Edinburgh, EH4 3HL
Wednesday 25th June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Crewe Toll - Granton
Telford College, 350 West Granton Road, Edinburgh, EH5 1QE
Thursday 26th June 2008 4.30pm –7.00pm
Baird Drive
Saughtonhall Recreation Hall, 22a Saughtonhall Avenue, Edinburgh
Final Phase of Tram Utility Diversions Announced for Haymarket Interchange
tie Limited has announced the final phase of the tram utility diversion work in the city centre which will take place at the Haymarket Interchange.
This critical utility diversion work that has been underway across the City since September 2007 will now enter its final phase in July 2008 and will end in February 2009.
The work will be carried out in five distinct stages, with the first three stages being completed by early November.
Associated enabling work starting on June 16th will see the introduction of temporary pedestrian crossings at key locations so as to ensure the continued safety and uninhibited flow of the walking public.
As in our other sections of work, important temporary traffic management solutions have been carefully developed so as to ensure the free flow of traffic through the different phases.
During the enabling works it is our intention that the Caledonian Alehouse will be demolished. This will be done in a structured way so as to preserve the external stone work and slates for salvage. Several options are currently being explored
Willie Gallagher, Executive Chairman of tie Limited, said: “Haymarket is a critical location for the Edinburgh Tram Project and we are mindful of its importance to the City. As such, we will ensure that any impact associated with these works is lessened by good planning and robust traffic management.
“Work has already commenced on the Haymarket Station car park site and this will now branch out to on street works.
“With any of our works that have involved significant temporary traffic management diversions the assurance that the public need to hear is that we work with our partners – the City of Edinburgh Council, Lothian Buses and the emergency services. As in these other locations, we will provide for the optimum flow of traffic for both public and private.”
“Our work with local community groups has now started and it’s important that we agree solutions to issues including access and service delivery and collection arrangements as part and parcel of these works.
“We recognise that Edinburgh wants this work done quickly and safely. Our proposed methodology, alongside the traffic management measures, is the best way to achieve this.”
Bill Campbell, Lothian Buses operations director said: “Many of our busiest bus services pass through the Haymarket area so it is critical that the diversions are managed properly. As at Shandwick Place and Constitution Street, we have worked closely with tie and The City Council in the planning of the diversions and we are confidant that everything will go according to plan and that any inconvenience to passengers is kept to a minimum.”
Cllr Phil Wheeler, Transport Convener at the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Each phase of the utility diversion programme has been well managed to ensure that traffic continues to flow in the city while tram work goes on and I am sure this stage will be no different.
“Edinburgh remains very much open for business while work goes on and every effort is being taken to ensure that access to businesses for customers, services and deliveries is retained. We are also running a marketing campaign on the wealth of reasons to visit the city centre and we will continue to work with businesses on creative ways to ensure visitors and shoppers continue to come into town while work is going on.”
For further information, please contact Gordon Robertson at Media House on 0131 555 1015 or 07887 542 124.
The main temporary traffic diversions will involve using the following streets: Magdala Crescent, Eglinton Cresent, Roseberry Crescent, Grosvenor Street and Lansdowne Crescent.
Work Programme:
Stage 1 – Haymarket Station, Dalry Road and Torphicen Street
Stage 2 – Haymarket Station, Dalry completion and Manor Place junction
Stage 3 – Haymarket Station and Manor Place junction
Stage 4 – Station completion and Palmerston Place junction
Stage 5 – West Maitland Street
A series of exhibition events have been planned over the next few weeks to present the detailed design of the tram route
Monday 16th June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Haymarket - Edinburgh Park
Stenhouse & St. Aidens Church, Chesser Avenue, Edinburgh
Tuesday 17th June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Edinburgh Park – Airport
Findhorn Room, Edinburgh Marriot Hotel, 111 Glasgow Road, Edinburgh, EH12 8NS
Wednesday 18th June 20084pm – 7.30pm
Newhaven Road – Foot of the Walk
St. Mary’s Star of the Sea, 106 Constitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6AW
Thursday 19th June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Foot of the Walk – Picardy Place
St. Mary’s Cathedral, 61 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3JD
Monday 23rd June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Picardy Place – Haymarket
St. George’s West Church, 58 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh, EH2 4RT
Tuesday 24th June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Roseburn – Crewe Toll
Holiday Inn,107 Queensferry Road, Edinburgh, EH4 3HL
Wednesday 25th June 2008 4pm – 7.30pm
Crewe Toll - Granton
Telford College, 350 West Granton Road, Edinburgh, EH5 1QE
Thursday 26th June 2008 4.30pm –7.00pm
Baird Drive
Saughtonhall Recreation Hall, 22a Saughtonhall Avenue, Edinburgh
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Wednesday 11 June 2008 at 8.00pm
Guest speaker
Planning convener for St Andrews Preservation Trust
Chair of the Confederation of St. Andrews Residents Associations
Speaking on the subject of
With particular reference to HMO areas
Presentation followed by open discussion
Wednesday 11 June 2008 at 8.00pm
Guest speaker
Planning convener for St Andrews Preservation Trust
Chair of the Confederation of St. Andrews Residents Associations
Speaking on the subject of
With particular reference to HMO areas
Presentation followed by open discussion
Public Meeting
Agenda for Annual General Meeting 11th June 2008
The AGM of the Marchmont & Sciennes Community Council will take place on
At 7.00pm
Followed immediately by Ordinary Meeting
With Guest Speaker on Sustainable Communities
in HMO areas.
1. Minutes of the last AGM and matters arising.
2. Chairman’s Report.
3. Secretary’s Report.
4. Treasurer’s Report.
5. A.O.C.B.
6. Next AGM Wednesday 10 June 2009.
At 7.00pm
Followed immediately by Ordinary Meeting
With Guest Speaker on Sustainable Communities
in HMO areas.
1. Minutes of the last AGM and matters arising.
2. Chairman’s Report.
3. Secretary’s Report.
4. Treasurer’s Report.
5. A.O.C.B.
6. Next AGM Wednesday 10 June 2009.
Agenda for Ordinary Meeting 11th June 2008
Agenda for Ordinary Meeting
WEDNESDAY 11 JUNE 2008 at 7.00pm in
St Catherine’s Argyle Church Community Hall, Grange Road
1. Sederunt and Apologies.
2. Minutes of Meeting held 14 May 2008.
3. Matters Arising.
4. Police Report.
5. Trams Update.
6. Nomination for Licensing Forum.
7. A.O.C.B.
8. Next Meeting Wednesday 10 September 2008.
WEDNESDAY 11 JUNE 2008 at 7.00pm in
St Catherine’s Argyle Church Community Hall, Grange Road
1. Sederunt and Apologies.
2. Minutes of Meeting held 14 May 2008.
3. Matters Arising.
4. Police Report.
5. Trams Update.
6. Nomination for Licensing Forum.
7. A.O.C.B.
8. Next Meeting Wednesday 10 September 2008.
Minutes of AGM 20th June 2008
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 20 June 2007 at St Catherine’s Argyle Community Hall, Grange Road, Edinburgh
Elected Representatives: Susie Agnew, Tina Cumming, Ken Dougall, Hugh Leather, Melanie Main, Sarah Sandow, Linda Smith, Ruth Stroud.
Local Interest Group Representatives: Susanna Lacey; Cherry Ledlie, Dorothy Ryle.
Members and others: Mike Cumming, Cllr Alison Johnstone, Anne Laing, Sarah Marchbank, Audrey Simon, John Simon.
Apologies: Steve Burgess; PC Bruce Burt; Cllr McInnes; Cllr Marilyne MacLaren; Alastair Philp; Anne Laird; Mike Pringle MSP; Fiona Scott.
1 Minutes of the 2006 Annual General Meeting
Melanie Main explained that she was standing in for Anne Laird as Chair for the meeting. She welcomed attendees to the meeting and noted apologies. The minutes of the 2006 AGM were approved. (Proposed: Tina Cumming; Seconded: Susie Agnew)
2 Treasurer’s Report
Melanie Main explained that the 2005/06 accounts hadn’t been ready for approval at the last AGM, and that the MSCC accounts for both 2005/06 and 2006/07 were therefore being submitted for the group’s approval. A summary of both sets of accounts was tabled, and Melanie summarised that the finances are very healthy, with around £3000 in the bank.
There was a brief discussion of the accounts, and Melanie Main answered all queries raised. By general consensus the accounts were approved, and the group gratefully accepted Ed Skedd’s offer to continue as auditor.
Ed Skedd will be sent a cheque for £50 as a token of the MSCC’s appreciation.
Anyone with ideas of worthwhile ways of spending some of the MSCC’s surplus money for the benefit of the local community should raise the issue at future meeting.
Hugh Leather will set up a private web-space to be viewed by MSCC members only. The accounts will be made available on this web-space, and regularly updated.
3 Chairwoman’s Report
Melanie Main read out Anne Laird’s report of the MSCC’s activities for 2006/07, and the group was happy to adopt this report as an accurate record.
Hugh Leather will make the Chairwoman’s Report available on the MSCC blog.
4 Election of Office Bearers and Community Council Elected Member
4.1 Election of MSCC members
Tina Cumming nominated Sarah Marchbank to fill the remaining vacancy on the MSCC. This was seconded by Linda Smith, and Sarah was appointed a MSCC member.
4.2 Election of Chair
There being no volunteers for the role of Chair, Susie Agnew was asked if she would take on the role. Susie explained that she felt unsuited to the role, and unable to commit the time the role truly deserves. However, in the absence of volunteers, she agreed to accept the role until a replacement chair could be found, and on the condition MSCC members and attendees would play an active role in volunteering to undertake action points arising from the meetings. Susie Agnew was therefore appointed MSCC chair. (Proposed: Dorothy Ryle; seconded: Sarah Sandow.)
4.3 Election of Secretary
Susannah Lacey nominated Hugh Leather as Secretary. This was seconded by Ken Dougall, and Hugh Leather was appointed MSCC Secretary.
4.4 Election of Treasurer
Anne Laing nominated Sarah Marchbank as Treasurer. This was seconded by Sarah Sandow, and Sarah Marchbank was appointed MSCC Treasurer.
4.5 Election of Vice Chair
Linda Smith nominated Anne Laird as Vice Chair. This was seconded by Ken Dougall, and Anne Laird was appointed MSCC Vice Chair.
5 Any other business
A number of other issues were discussed during the meeting:
5.1 Matters Arising from 2006 AGM
Melanie Main updated the group:
Money has been made available for a memorial tree for Mr Harris and this matter is progressing.
Edinburgh City Council has decided to go ahead with the proposed street refurbishment in Marchmont (draft plans for this refurbishment were presented at the March MSCC meeting). Council representatives would like to come to a future meeting of the MSCC to discuss the refurbishment further with local residents.
5.2 Grant application
Melanie Main explained that the Council’s planned street refurbishment will remove the need for the MSSC to obtain a grant to pay for new notice boards for that area, and that the MSCC has the option of withdrawing its current grant application and re-presenting an amended application. The group discussed other possible improvements that might be included in an amended grant application, including:
The need to make improvements to those areas of Marchmont not included in the Council’s planned street refurbishment.
The possibility of putting a notice board in the Causewayside area.
The replacement of the broken bench at the west end of the cemetery.
Melanie Main will look into the possible revision of the grant application after the summer.
5.3 Blog
Hugh Leather will give a presentation at a future MSCC meeting explaining how the blog works, including an explanation of a function that allows certain areas of webspace to be accessible to MSCC members only.
Hugh Leather will look into ensuring those without internet access can access relevant information from the blog.
The meeting concluded, and the ordinary meeting of the MSCC began.
Wednesday 20 June 2007 at St Catherine’s Argyle Community Hall, Grange Road, Edinburgh
Elected Representatives: Susie Agnew, Tina Cumming, Ken Dougall, Hugh Leather, Melanie Main, Sarah Sandow, Linda Smith, Ruth Stroud.
Local Interest Group Representatives: Susanna Lacey; Cherry Ledlie, Dorothy Ryle.
Members and others: Mike Cumming, Cllr Alison Johnstone, Anne Laing, Sarah Marchbank, Audrey Simon, John Simon.
Apologies: Steve Burgess; PC Bruce Burt; Cllr McInnes; Cllr Marilyne MacLaren; Alastair Philp; Anne Laird; Mike Pringle MSP; Fiona Scott.
1 Minutes of the 2006 Annual General Meeting
Melanie Main explained that she was standing in for Anne Laird as Chair for the meeting. She welcomed attendees to the meeting and noted apologies. The minutes of the 2006 AGM were approved. (Proposed: Tina Cumming; Seconded: Susie Agnew)
2 Treasurer’s Report
Melanie Main explained that the 2005/06 accounts hadn’t been ready for approval at the last AGM, and that the MSCC accounts for both 2005/06 and 2006/07 were therefore being submitted for the group’s approval. A summary of both sets of accounts was tabled, and Melanie summarised that the finances are very healthy, with around £3000 in the bank.
There was a brief discussion of the accounts, and Melanie Main answered all queries raised. By general consensus the accounts were approved, and the group gratefully accepted Ed Skedd’s offer to continue as auditor.
Ed Skedd will be sent a cheque for £50 as a token of the MSCC’s appreciation.
Anyone with ideas of worthwhile ways of spending some of the MSCC’s surplus money for the benefit of the local community should raise the issue at future meeting.
Hugh Leather will set up a private web-space to be viewed by MSCC members only. The accounts will be made available on this web-space, and regularly updated.
3 Chairwoman’s Report
Melanie Main read out Anne Laird’s report of the MSCC’s activities for 2006/07, and the group was happy to adopt this report as an accurate record.
Hugh Leather will make the Chairwoman’s Report available on the MSCC blog.
4 Election of Office Bearers and Community Council Elected Member
4.1 Election of MSCC members
Tina Cumming nominated Sarah Marchbank to fill the remaining vacancy on the MSCC. This was seconded by Linda Smith, and Sarah was appointed a MSCC member.
4.2 Election of Chair
There being no volunteers for the role of Chair, Susie Agnew was asked if she would take on the role. Susie explained that she felt unsuited to the role, and unable to commit the time the role truly deserves. However, in the absence of volunteers, she agreed to accept the role until a replacement chair could be found, and on the condition MSCC members and attendees would play an active role in volunteering to undertake action points arising from the meetings. Susie Agnew was therefore appointed MSCC chair. (Proposed: Dorothy Ryle; seconded: Sarah Sandow.)
4.3 Election of Secretary
Susannah Lacey nominated Hugh Leather as Secretary. This was seconded by Ken Dougall, and Hugh Leather was appointed MSCC Secretary.
4.4 Election of Treasurer
Anne Laing nominated Sarah Marchbank as Treasurer. This was seconded by Sarah Sandow, and Sarah Marchbank was appointed MSCC Treasurer.
4.5 Election of Vice Chair
Linda Smith nominated Anne Laird as Vice Chair. This was seconded by Ken Dougall, and Anne Laird was appointed MSCC Vice Chair.
5 Any other business
A number of other issues were discussed during the meeting:
5.1 Matters Arising from 2006 AGM
Melanie Main updated the group:
Money has been made available for a memorial tree for Mr Harris and this matter is progressing.
Edinburgh City Council has decided to go ahead with the proposed street refurbishment in Marchmont (draft plans for this refurbishment were presented at the March MSCC meeting). Council representatives would like to come to a future meeting of the MSCC to discuss the refurbishment further with local residents.
5.2 Grant application
Melanie Main explained that the Council’s planned street refurbishment will remove the need for the MSSC to obtain a grant to pay for new notice boards for that area, and that the MSCC has the option of withdrawing its current grant application and re-presenting an amended application. The group discussed other possible improvements that might be included in an amended grant application, including:
The need to make improvements to those areas of Marchmont not included in the Council’s planned street refurbishment.
The possibility of putting a notice board in the Causewayside area.
The replacement of the broken bench at the west end of the cemetery.
Melanie Main will look into the possible revision of the grant application after the summer.
5.3 Blog
Hugh Leather will give a presentation at a future MSCC meeting explaining how the blog works, including an explanation of a function that allows certain areas of webspace to be accessible to MSCC members only.
Hugh Leather will look into ensuring those without internet access can access relevant information from the blog.
The meeting concluded, and the ordinary meeting of the MSCC began.
Minutes of meeting 14th May 2008
Minutes of meeting held on 14th May 2008
In St Catherine Argyle Church Community Hall, Grange Road, 7.30pm
1 Sederunt
Anne Laird (Chair), Susanna Lacey (Secretary and Minutes)
LindsayThomson (Police),Alastair Philp(NP) Cherry Ledlie(JGPS Safe routes to school), Dorothy Ryle (Grange Association), Brian Harris (Magpie) Josh McAlister (EUSA)
Tina Cumming,,Claire MacGregor, Sarah Sandow, M.Malik, Cllr Mark McInnes, Linda Smith, Fiona Savage, John Simon, Audrey Simon, Ruth Stroud, Neil Brierley, Peter Warren, Margo MacDonald MSP, David Rintoul
Susie Agnew, Mike Pringle MSP, Mike Shields, Fiona Scott, Cllr Steve Burgess, Cllr Cameron Rose, Cllr Allison Johnstone, Sarah Marchbanks, Anne Laing, Cllr Marylin McLaren
3. Minutes of meeting held 9th April 2008
Amendment “on behalf of Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links”
The minutes were accepted as a true record. Proposed: Linda Smith; Seconded: Cherry Ledlie.
4. Matters Arising
Chair requested to suspend matters arising to move swiftly onto police report followed by Margo MacDonald to speak on HMO’s
4 Police Report
PC Lindsey Thomson provided an update on crime trends in Marchmont and mentioned that PC Neil Sinclair, based in St Leonards is the new community beat officer for Sciennes area.
2x break-ins to business premises- both solved
Cycle theft is prolific, 6 stolen this month, slightly less than average. 2 have been solved.
Motor theft I theft and 2 attempts—none solved
Vandalism to vehicles on Marchmont Rd but no witnesses.
No graffitti reported
Minor assault 26th April on Meadows by youth 15-17yrs old. He attacked a man at 2am and then he attacked a couple at 2.10am
Sexual Offences
9th May 11pm report from 2 female students that a male 30yrs old followed them and exposed himself. He had thick wavy shoulder length hair and was wearing beige shorts.
16th April 10pm Similar incident. Female returning home was propositioned by a man standing under a lampost who then approached and tried to make contact with her. CID are following this up.
Summer plans for zero tolerance: in August there will be environmental wardens patrolling until 2am to combat violence and sexual crimes.There will be Police vans with CCTV cameras.
PC Lindsay then invited MSCC to make any suggestions as to how best to concentrate resources in the Meadows.
The Police will be watching for under 18yrs approaching off-licences. They will be using youngsters to attempt “test purchases of alcohol” to detect offending shopkeepers.
Margo MacDonald enquired if the police will challenge the licenses of offending off licences who have been targetted. The police can object to a licence and the licensing department can suspend it. Cllr Marjorie Thomas is addressing this.
5 HMO Discussion
The Chair and welcomed Margot Macdonald and Peter Warren who were attending to hear the discussion and Josh McAlister from EUSA. She said that she welcomed his participation and that the MSCC community benefited from the student presence. She introduced the discussion by summarising the difference between planning and licensing in HMOs. She wanted the discussion to consider whether there were too many HMOS and if so should these be restricted in some way. One of the problems was that HMOs in tenements differed in its effect from an HMO in ahouse. If there were too many HMOs would this ultimately affect the viability of the community... The need for the discussion was prompted by some complaints from residents received recentlyby members of the Community Council and the “Right to Rent” campaign launched by the students. It was some time since there had been discussion on this topic and the MSCC felt it was useful to identify where there might be problems and ascertain whether the community wished them to take further action and if so what action.
Margo MacDonald said that as she was living in this area, and as she was aware that there was a problem regarding HMO’s, she was willing to help build any bridges of communication which needed to be built and wanted to hear the views of the Community.
The recent “right to rent” campaign of local students had been aimed to influence MSPs
Alastair Philp said it would be useful to know why the students had started this campaign.
Josh McAlister said that following the recent SPP3 discussion, students had been concerned that planning laws were to be changed and the changes to a “quota” system would disadvantage students looking for rented accommodation. They were willing to engage with local communities in discussing solutions.
Susanna Lacey said that Government was addressing the problem through Planning to maintain sustainable communities while at the city council level the issue could be tackled via licensing departments limiting the numbers of HMO’s in an area.
Cllr Mark McInnes said the CEC were looking again at the quota system. Chris Wigglesworth conducted a study for the licensing dept but the paper was not signed through as there were concerns that controlling the HMO balance might lead to homelessness. Colin Keir has said that he will start proceedings now to look at this again
Josh McAlister asked again why there was a need to limit HMO’s. If the CEC took this action, then the students will take it to the Government level via student/city forums. He reminded MSCC that for students this is the first time that they are moving into the rented sector and that there is a shortage of flats.
The Chair asked what problems were encountered by MSCC members.
A number of people gave examples of problems they had encountered:
One member has made complaints regularly. 3 flats were suspended for 6 months but their licences will be renewed to coincide with arrival of new students at the start of term. There are 3 HMO’s with 5 students in each of these 4 bedroomed flats. They put fat down the drain, the door lock to the stair is always broken. The local residents have to pay for repairs caused by tenants of a landlord who is making a lot of money out of them. They complain, the landlord gets his licence renewed and nothing changes. The landlord is indifferent. The council is ineffectual.
The residents are disturbed by the constant noise through the wall, through the ceiling and in the shared back green.
Another member said he has a similar problem with the student neighbours and an absentee landlord.
A third member: there is also the problem when 5 people share a flat and then each brings in a partner so that there are 10 people living in a four bedroomed flat.
A fourth member also has problems from people in HMO flat above. She put in a complaint but nothing happened, the case was closed and the situation remains unchanged.
Josh McAlister said that if there is a problem with the numbers in a flat then licensing will come round to check. The feeling of the meeting was that this did not happen in practice.
Young professionals are a large part of HMO occupiers. He suggests a list of named HMO occupiers and carpets to muffle the noise. He asked what is a sustainable community, and who decides what is sustainable. The fact is that the student population in Edinburgh has doubled. He quoted figures of 2500 HMO’s in Glasgow where there is capping and 5100 HMO’s in Edinburgh where there is no capping.
Susanna Lacey reminded him that Glasgow has a very high proportion of domicillary students.
It was suggested that provision of purpose built property for students might be an answer to the problem
A resident who has lived in the area for 35 years said he was not aware of any problem and has not noticed any change in that time.
Margo McDonald said that one of the concerns of the CEC would be the provision of schools and how to decide what was required. If there are no young families what will happen to the schools in the area..
A resident pointed out the difference in hours that are kept, the difference in age groups, difference in lifestyle is one of the factors that causes problems.
Josh McAlister stated that there is an increase in postgraduate and international students with longer study periods and this should result in a change in the behaviour.
Another disagreed that there has been no change in the area. The licensing laws have changed and now young people do not go out until 11pm. Previously that is when they would be expected to return to their homes. Houses were built as a family home. These buildings are not being used as they were intended. It is wrong to have so many HMO’s
Another questioned poised was who looks after the stairs if there are too many HMO’s. Students don’t bother with maintenance of the tenements and don’t contact the landlord about problems they are having.
Some of the problems stem from landlords. There are the duties of a landlord. But there have been only two attempts at prosecution of landlords in the last two years.
Another member said that she has benefited from having some very good student neighbours.
Mark McInnes: people feel frustrated with the regulatory committee. If there is a problem they should use the powers they have. Councillors have been told that there is a conflict of interest if they try to represent the case for individual residents to the regulatory committee. This should be investigated
The Chair summed up the discussion: HMO’s were still causing problems in the area. The problems discussed were:
1. tenements not suited for overpopulation – tenants bringing in partners sometimes leads to overpopulation
2. regulatory process not satisfactory
3. there are some areas where the building structures are different and changing their use from their original purpose is not good.
4. need to improve the relationship between citizens and city council
5. Anti social behaviour is a separate issue but there can be a cause for concern in HMO properties; The regulatory must be made aware that the noise levels in HMO’s has gone up
6. The consensus seem to be that the regulatory authorities did not use the powers they had
Margo Macdonald said: The council are changing their housing policy to provide more affordable housing and that includes students. 25% affordable housing has been suggested for Edinburgh and 12% of the total population is student. Purpose built accommodation is required to maintain and increase the level of available rented accommodation.
Alastair Philp, representative on the Neighbourhood partnership, knew of no plan to change licensing policy.
Susanna Lacey suggested that perhaps Community Councils could ask Edinburgh City Council to reduce the time lag between complaints being made and decisions being taken. Enforcement should be improved and fines should be greatly increased.
Mark will find out when Colin Keir intends to meet with CC’s. He may decide to meet also with Neighbourhood Partnerships. Mark will also find out more about the paper which was produced last year and suggests that the council solicitor moves forward with regard to licensing.
MargoMacDonald said she had a vested interest in her constituents. Margo Macdonald and Mark McInnes will communicate to decide what standards need to be put in place.
Mark McInnes will report to the community council. A meeting has been suggested with Colin Keir and the CC’s.
The Chair asked whether any action should be taken with regard to planning eg should we ask that flats be considered differently from houses in planning regulations.
Margo MacDonald thought it best to go down the regulatory process and improve that process. There was a general consensus that this was what was required. Josh McAlister will keep in contact so that he is kept informed of any proposals for change
Action: As outlined above. Mark McInnes will report back on progress to the next meeting.
6.Consultation of Draft for Community Council Scheme and Code of Conduct
These documents are very extensive and will be put onto the blog
Hard copies will also be obtained before the next meeting. Responses can then be submitted to the Secretary who will forward to Community Council Consultation at Victoria Quay
7.Marchmont Shopping Bag.
There will be an event to launch the shopping bag which will be on sale for £1 .
8.Neighbourhood Partnership
8.1. Motion to recommend installation of bollards after the “ramraid” driving a vehicle into a post office
8.2. Change to controlled parking regulations to include 9hr parking bays in Merchiston
8.3. Environmental forum, housing, tasking(police), improving quality of life in Dumbiedykes
8.4. Training sessions for NP members: understanding committees
8.5. Each NP is allocated £100,000 for roads and footways improvemnet
8.6 Presentation on the very productive and beneficial partnership of the NP, Tollcross and the Traders Association
8.7 Community Grant Application from Meadows Festival. £5000 awarded in principle.
8.8 Funds for streetscape can come from NP £100,000
9. South Edinburgh Public Partnership Forum (Health)
On 10th Dec 2007 the group was suspended. North is running smoothly, but South has had some conflict with an exchange of abusive e-mails. EVOC were called in and they interviewed everyone involved.
They are continuing as an informal group and getting through the work of the consultation documents.
A co-ordinating group is to be formed from among the 54 members to run the Forum for 1 year.
The problem may have been the domination of the community council groups and it was suggested that there should be only one member from each community council. Everyone wants the Forum to be successful, so as to have the opportunity to improve services and address the inequalities in health. (Ruth Stroud)
10.1. Local Neighbourhood Plan: 4 groups to determine priorities. Southside Newington had different priorities from outlying groups. Priorities were graffiti, litter, bins and an electronic, secure voting system was used. (John Simon)
10.2 Meadows Place Closure. A study has been carried out by Neil Brierley which shows that cyclists are not really inconvenienced and in fact closing Meadows Place would be counterproductive.
Mark McInnes has made it clear to the Council that he and Maryline McLaren are not in favour of closure
Brian Harris suggests that police data is essential. There have been 10 accidents in 2 years.
10.3.Edinburgh Association of Community Councils will host their AGM on 21st June. Details on blog.
10.4.Tram Update. There will be a meeting to discuss the Trams on 29th May 7-9 pm.
11. Date of Next meeting is 11th June 2008. This will be the AGM followed by the general meeting.
In St Catherine Argyle Church Community Hall, Grange Road, 7.30pm
1 Sederunt
Anne Laird (Chair), Susanna Lacey (Secretary and Minutes)
LindsayThomson (Police),Alastair Philp(NP) Cherry Ledlie(JGPS Safe routes to school), Dorothy Ryle (Grange Association), Brian Harris (Magpie) Josh McAlister (EUSA)
Tina Cumming,,Claire MacGregor, Sarah Sandow, M.Malik, Cllr Mark McInnes, Linda Smith, Fiona Savage, John Simon, Audrey Simon, Ruth Stroud, Neil Brierley, Peter Warren, Margo MacDonald MSP, David Rintoul
Susie Agnew, Mike Pringle MSP, Mike Shields, Fiona Scott, Cllr Steve Burgess, Cllr Cameron Rose, Cllr Allison Johnstone, Sarah Marchbanks, Anne Laing, Cllr Marylin McLaren
3. Minutes of meeting held 9th April 2008
Amendment “on behalf of Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links”
The minutes were accepted as a true record. Proposed: Linda Smith; Seconded: Cherry Ledlie.
4. Matters Arising
Chair requested to suspend matters arising to move swiftly onto police report followed by Margo MacDonald to speak on HMO’s
4 Police Report
PC Lindsey Thomson provided an update on crime trends in Marchmont and mentioned that PC Neil Sinclair, based in St Leonards is the new community beat officer for Sciennes area.
2x break-ins to business premises- both solved
Cycle theft is prolific, 6 stolen this month, slightly less than average. 2 have been solved.
Motor theft I theft and 2 attempts—none solved
Vandalism to vehicles on Marchmont Rd but no witnesses.
No graffitti reported
Minor assault 26th April on Meadows by youth 15-17yrs old. He attacked a man at 2am and then he attacked a couple at 2.10am
Sexual Offences
9th May 11pm report from 2 female students that a male 30yrs old followed them and exposed himself. He had thick wavy shoulder length hair and was wearing beige shorts.
16th April 10pm Similar incident. Female returning home was propositioned by a man standing under a lampost who then approached and tried to make contact with her. CID are following this up.
Summer plans for zero tolerance: in August there will be environmental wardens patrolling until 2am to combat violence and sexual crimes.There will be Police vans with CCTV cameras.
PC Lindsay then invited MSCC to make any suggestions as to how best to concentrate resources in the Meadows.
The Police will be watching for under 18yrs approaching off-licences. They will be using youngsters to attempt “test purchases of alcohol” to detect offending shopkeepers.
Margo MacDonald enquired if the police will challenge the licenses of offending off licences who have been targetted. The police can object to a licence and the licensing department can suspend it. Cllr Marjorie Thomas is addressing this.
5 HMO Discussion
The Chair and welcomed Margot Macdonald and Peter Warren who were attending to hear the discussion and Josh McAlister from EUSA. She said that she welcomed his participation and that the MSCC community benefited from the student presence. She introduced the discussion by summarising the difference between planning and licensing in HMOs. She wanted the discussion to consider whether there were too many HMOS and if so should these be restricted in some way. One of the problems was that HMOs in tenements differed in its effect from an HMO in ahouse. If there were too many HMOs would this ultimately affect the viability of the community... The need for the discussion was prompted by some complaints from residents received recentlyby members of the Community Council and the “Right to Rent” campaign launched by the students. It was some time since there had been discussion on this topic and the MSCC felt it was useful to identify where there might be problems and ascertain whether the community wished them to take further action and if so what action.
Margo MacDonald said that as she was living in this area, and as she was aware that there was a problem regarding HMO’s, she was willing to help build any bridges of communication which needed to be built and wanted to hear the views of the Community.
The recent “right to rent” campaign of local students had been aimed to influence MSPs
Alastair Philp said it would be useful to know why the students had started this campaign.
Josh McAlister said that following the recent SPP3 discussion, students had been concerned that planning laws were to be changed and the changes to a “quota” system would disadvantage students looking for rented accommodation. They were willing to engage with local communities in discussing solutions.
Susanna Lacey said that Government was addressing the problem through Planning to maintain sustainable communities while at the city council level the issue could be tackled via licensing departments limiting the numbers of HMO’s in an area.
Cllr Mark McInnes said the CEC were looking again at the quota system. Chris Wigglesworth conducted a study for the licensing dept but the paper was not signed through as there were concerns that controlling the HMO balance might lead to homelessness. Colin Keir has said that he will start proceedings now to look at this again
Josh McAlister asked again why there was a need to limit HMO’s. If the CEC took this action, then the students will take it to the Government level via student/city forums. He reminded MSCC that for students this is the first time that they are moving into the rented sector and that there is a shortage of flats.
The Chair asked what problems were encountered by MSCC members.
A number of people gave examples of problems they had encountered:
One member has made complaints regularly. 3 flats were suspended for 6 months but their licences will be renewed to coincide with arrival of new students at the start of term. There are 3 HMO’s with 5 students in each of these 4 bedroomed flats. They put fat down the drain, the door lock to the stair is always broken. The local residents have to pay for repairs caused by tenants of a landlord who is making a lot of money out of them. They complain, the landlord gets his licence renewed and nothing changes. The landlord is indifferent. The council is ineffectual.
The residents are disturbed by the constant noise through the wall, through the ceiling and in the shared back green.
Another member said he has a similar problem with the student neighbours and an absentee landlord.
A third member: there is also the problem when 5 people share a flat and then each brings in a partner so that there are 10 people living in a four bedroomed flat.
A fourth member also has problems from people in HMO flat above. She put in a complaint but nothing happened, the case was closed and the situation remains unchanged.
Josh McAlister said that if there is a problem with the numbers in a flat then licensing will come round to check. The feeling of the meeting was that this did not happen in practice.
Young professionals are a large part of HMO occupiers. He suggests a list of named HMO occupiers and carpets to muffle the noise. He asked what is a sustainable community, and who decides what is sustainable. The fact is that the student population in Edinburgh has doubled. He quoted figures of 2500 HMO’s in Glasgow where there is capping and 5100 HMO’s in Edinburgh where there is no capping.
Susanna Lacey reminded him that Glasgow has a very high proportion of domicillary students.
It was suggested that provision of purpose built property for students might be an answer to the problem
A resident who has lived in the area for 35 years said he was not aware of any problem and has not noticed any change in that time.
Margo McDonald said that one of the concerns of the CEC would be the provision of schools and how to decide what was required. If there are no young families what will happen to the schools in the area..
A resident pointed out the difference in hours that are kept, the difference in age groups, difference in lifestyle is one of the factors that causes problems.
Josh McAlister stated that there is an increase in postgraduate and international students with longer study periods and this should result in a change in the behaviour.
Another disagreed that there has been no change in the area. The licensing laws have changed and now young people do not go out until 11pm. Previously that is when they would be expected to return to their homes. Houses were built as a family home. These buildings are not being used as they were intended. It is wrong to have so many HMO’s
Another questioned poised was who looks after the stairs if there are too many HMO’s. Students don’t bother with maintenance of the tenements and don’t contact the landlord about problems they are having.
Some of the problems stem from landlords. There are the duties of a landlord. But there have been only two attempts at prosecution of landlords in the last two years.
Another member said that she has benefited from having some very good student neighbours.
Mark McInnes: people feel frustrated with the regulatory committee. If there is a problem they should use the powers they have. Councillors have been told that there is a conflict of interest if they try to represent the case for individual residents to the regulatory committee. This should be investigated
The Chair summed up the discussion: HMO’s were still causing problems in the area. The problems discussed were:
1. tenements not suited for overpopulation – tenants bringing in partners sometimes leads to overpopulation
2. regulatory process not satisfactory
3. there are some areas where the building structures are different and changing their use from their original purpose is not good.
4. need to improve the relationship between citizens and city council
5. Anti social behaviour is a separate issue but there can be a cause for concern in HMO properties; The regulatory must be made aware that the noise levels in HMO’s has gone up
6. The consensus seem to be that the regulatory authorities did not use the powers they had
Margo Macdonald said: The council are changing their housing policy to provide more affordable housing and that includes students. 25% affordable housing has been suggested for Edinburgh and 12% of the total population is student. Purpose built accommodation is required to maintain and increase the level of available rented accommodation.
Alastair Philp, representative on the Neighbourhood partnership, knew of no plan to change licensing policy.
Susanna Lacey suggested that perhaps Community Councils could ask Edinburgh City Council to reduce the time lag between complaints being made and decisions being taken. Enforcement should be improved and fines should be greatly increased.
Mark will find out when Colin Keir intends to meet with CC’s. He may decide to meet also with Neighbourhood Partnerships. Mark will also find out more about the paper which was produced last year and suggests that the council solicitor moves forward with regard to licensing.
MargoMacDonald said she had a vested interest in her constituents. Margo Macdonald and Mark McInnes will communicate to decide what standards need to be put in place.
Mark McInnes will report to the community council. A meeting has been suggested with Colin Keir and the CC’s.
The Chair asked whether any action should be taken with regard to planning eg should we ask that flats be considered differently from houses in planning regulations.
Margo MacDonald thought it best to go down the regulatory process and improve that process. There was a general consensus that this was what was required. Josh McAlister will keep in contact so that he is kept informed of any proposals for change
Action: As outlined above. Mark McInnes will report back on progress to the next meeting.
6.Consultation of Draft for Community Council Scheme and Code of Conduct
These documents are very extensive and will be put onto the blog
Hard copies will also be obtained before the next meeting. Responses can then be submitted to the Secretary who will forward to Community Council Consultation at Victoria Quay
7.Marchmont Shopping Bag.
There will be an event to launch the shopping bag which will be on sale for £1 .
8.Neighbourhood Partnership
8.1. Motion to recommend installation of bollards after the “ramraid” driving a vehicle into a post office
8.2. Change to controlled parking regulations to include 9hr parking bays in Merchiston
8.3. Environmental forum, housing, tasking(police), improving quality of life in Dumbiedykes
8.4. Training sessions for NP members: understanding committees
8.5. Each NP is allocated £100,000 for roads and footways improvemnet
8.6 Presentation on the very productive and beneficial partnership of the NP, Tollcross and the Traders Association
8.7 Community Grant Application from Meadows Festival. £5000 awarded in principle.
8.8 Funds for streetscape can come from NP £100,000
9. South Edinburgh Public Partnership Forum (Health)
On 10th Dec 2007 the group was suspended. North is running smoothly, but South has had some conflict with an exchange of abusive e-mails. EVOC were called in and they interviewed everyone involved.
They are continuing as an informal group and getting through the work of the consultation documents.
A co-ordinating group is to be formed from among the 54 members to run the Forum for 1 year.
The problem may have been the domination of the community council groups and it was suggested that there should be only one member from each community council. Everyone wants the Forum to be successful, so as to have the opportunity to improve services and address the inequalities in health. (Ruth Stroud)
10.1. Local Neighbourhood Plan: 4 groups to determine priorities. Southside Newington had different priorities from outlying groups. Priorities were graffiti, litter, bins and an electronic, secure voting system was used. (John Simon)
10.2 Meadows Place Closure. A study has been carried out by Neil Brierley which shows that cyclists are not really inconvenienced and in fact closing Meadows Place would be counterproductive.
Mark McInnes has made it clear to the Council that he and Maryline McLaren are not in favour of closure
Brian Harris suggests that police data is essential. There have been 10 accidents in 2 years.
10.3.Edinburgh Association of Community Councils will host their AGM on 21st June. Details on blog.
10.4.Tram Update. There will be a meeting to discuss the Trams on 29th May 7-9 pm.
11. Date of Next meeting is 11th June 2008. This will be the AGM followed by the general meeting.
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