1 Sederunt and Apologies
Susie Agnew noted apologies and welcomed attendees to the meeting.
2 Minutes of meeting held 20th February 2008
The minutes were accepted as a true record. (Proposed: Sarah Sandow; Seconded: Alastair Philp.)
3 Matters Arising
3.1 Lunch Club
Susie Agnew reported that no progress has been made on this since the February meeting as they are awaiting the results of the next Marchmont St Giles Church session meeting.
3.2 Cycle Racks
Susie Agnew reported that she has discussed this matter with Cherry Ledlie and the cycle racks are still not in a suitable place from the point of view of parents. She has therefore written another letter to Jim Grieve on this issue.
3.3 Grange Cemetery
Susie Agnew reported that the Scottish Geneology Society may be able to help the MSCC by sharing the information it has already transcribed from the headstones at Grange Cemetery. However, this information is all currently hand-written.
3.4 Meadow Place
Cllr Mark McInnes reported that he had proposed a motion to the Transport Committee that there should be a full report into traffic safety in Marchmont, taking into account Meadows Place, Marchmont Road and Melville Drive all together. This motion was passed and no further action will be taken to close Meadows Place until this report has been received. It is expected that this report will be published early in the summer, and Cllr McInnes advised that this is when the MSCC should consider making a deputation if necessary.
Some general discussion followed, and the group reiterated its disbelief at the conclusions drawn from the Council’s modelling of the traffic at these junctions. Two members of the group voiced their intention to spend some time counting traffic at the junction.
ACTION: The group will await this report with interest.
3.5 Buses
Susie Agnew reported that she has written a letter on behalf of the MSCC to Morningside and Merchiston Community Council’s to support them with their request for a bus which turns left at the bottom of Lothian Road. Other community councils have done the same. A meeting is being planned in St George’s Church West on Shandwick Place to discuss this, but no date has yet been arranged.
General discussion followed and it was suggested that the MSCC should pursue the issue of an improved no.24 bus service, possibly suggesting that some extra part-route buses are put on during peak times to cover the most popular sections of the route. It was agreed that there might be an opportunity to bring this up at the meeting in St George’s Church West.
ACTION When a date has been set for this meeting, volunteers to attend will be sought by e-mail.
4 Police Report
PC Lindsey Thomson provided an updated police report. Crime statistics during the month of February have been low in Marchmont, Sciennes and the Grange:
- 11 motor vehicles were vandalised, two were broken in to, and three vehicles were stolen. 12 bicycles were also stolen.
- Following discussions at the February meeting PC Thomson has made inquiries to the Council about the official position regarding the storage of bicycles in common stairs. Although the Council has produced a leaflet advising people not to store bikes in stairwells, they have no legal powers to remove or prohibit bike storage unless bicycles are obstructing fire exits. Each complaint about bikes in stairwells would therefore be judged on an individual basis.
- There have been six house-breakings, including the German speaking church. A hairdresser’s in Roseneath Street was broken in to and those responsible have been found, and are also responsible for eight previous similar crimes.
- The fish-sellers mentioned at a previous meeting have been tracked down and charged for operating without a street-traders licence.
- There have been two separate incidents occurring on the Meadows in the early hours of the morning in which victims were walking alone and had their bags/wallets stolen.
Brief general discussion followed, and PC Thomson took down details of new graffiti that had been spotted in the area and of hand-made signs that have been made warning of car-breakings in certain streets.
5 Seminar to discuss Scottish Planning Policy SPP3: Planning for Housing
Susanna Lacey will be attending this seminar on behalf of the MSCC, and gave the group the opportunity to notify her of anything relevant that they’d specifically like her to raise. There was some discussion of affordable housing, but no conclusions were drawn that were felt to be of particular relevance to this meeting. There was also discussion Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) quotas, but it was felt that these issues were unlikely to be relevant to this meeting, and in any case there was no consensus among group members on this issue. However, it would seem that there will be a meeting of Community Councils and City of Edinburgh Council to discuss the issue of HMO quotas in the future. There was also some discussion of the plans for the development of flats and townhouses on the corner of Whitehouse Loan and Newbattle Terrace. Cllr McInnes reported that the local residents had not objected to the plans although some MSCC members had concerns that they were not in keeping with their surroundings. Cherry Ledlie wondered whether this development may offer an opportunity of adding some kind of a safer crossing nearby.
If it seems relevant to the seminar, Susanna Lacey will raise the following points on behalf of the MSCC:
- Newly builded properties should plan in space for drying clothes
- Planning regulations should be made more amenable to saving energy
- How do some designs get approved when they re not in-keeping with surroundings?
Mark McInnes will write to City Development to see if some kind of safer crossing at Whitehouse Loan/Newbattle Terrace might be on the cards in the future.
6 Neighbourhood Partnership Report
Alastair Philp gave a report on the most recent Neighbourhood Partnership (NP) meeting:
- Updates were provided by the Tollcross short-life working group, and the Meadows short-life working group on which John Simon is the MSCC representative. The Meadows group has discussed what events should be allowed on the Meadows and what the consultation process should be. There has been a request for more monitoring of events and more community engagement.
- The Local Community Plan will be presented to the NP at some point in the future as it is not yet ready.
- Robert Aitken of NHS Lothian gave a presentation which included mention of the re-development of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. It has not yet been decided what is happening with this re-development and whether or not some services may move.
- There is one CCTV camera in this NP area and currently no prospect of more.
- There was a presentation from Special Branch on terrorist activity. People were told not to worry about this, but to remain aware and notify the police of any suspicious activity.
- A report was tabled about voter registration.
- Information was provided about the Community Grants fund, which the MSCC is already aware of.
- There are new proposals for all-day parking in the Merchiston area, and a further meeting will be set up in the future to discuss this.
- Alastair has spoken to Susan Bruce about the MSCC accessing its grant and she will look into this.
- The next meeting of the NP will take place on 12 May 2008.
Mark McInnes will find out what is happening regarding the tweaks to parking regulations that were discussed at an October meeting of Council which Susie Agnew and Hugh Leather attended as a deputation.
7 Future meeting dates
Susie Agnew has e-mailed other local community councils in an attempt to avoid clashes with their future meeting dates. The Grange Association will aim to avoid the second Wednesday of the month, and Morningside & Merchiston Community Council generally meet on the third Wednesday of the month. It was agreed that the MSCC will therefore continue to meet on the second Wednesday of the month. There was brief discussion of whether the frequency of MSCC meetings is appropriate to the amount of business to be discussed.
ACTION The MSCC will continue to meet monthly except there will be no meetings in July, August or December. Whether or not a meeting takes place in January will depend on half-term dates.
8 Any other business
· A “Talk to your MSP” meeting will take place n Saturday 15th March at the City Chambers from 10am-1pm
· A “How Planners Make Decisions” meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th March at 7pm in Polwarth Parish Church.
· The MSCC has been asked to nominate someone from the city, or a long-term resident, for the “Edinburgh Award”.
· Other relevant notices and information were mentioned and will go on the MSCC blog: http://marchmontandsciennes.blogspot.com
9 Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 9 April 2008, beginning at 7.30pm at St Catherine’s Argyle Community Hall, Grange Road, Edinburgh.
This blog is where you will find community council information, including meeting times, minutes and agenda. Do please comment on postings.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Monday, 17 March 2008
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Planning Modernisation-Consultations and Electronic Publication Strategy
A range of consultation papers on changes to the main elements of the planning system have recently been published. The closing dates for comments are as follows and your views would be welcome.
Draft regulations on the Planning Hierarchy 21 March 2008
Draft regulations on Development Planning 2 April 2008
Draft regulations on Development Plan Examinations 4 April 2008
Development Management 4 April 2008
Modernising Planning Appeals 9 May 2008
These consultation papers are available at
A summary of development management regulations can be found at
Draft regulations on the Planning Hierarchy 21 March 2008
Draft regulations on Development Planning 2 April 2008
Draft regulations on Development Plan Examinations 4 April 2008
Development Management 4 April 2008
Modernising Planning Appeals 9 May 2008
These consultation papers are available at
A summary of development management regulations can be found at
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Agenda 12th March 2008
The next meeting of the Community Council will be held
On WEDNESDAY 12 March 2008 at 7.30pm in
St Catherine’s Argyle Church Community Hall, Grange Road
All who live or work or are active in the area are welcome.
Hearing loop available.
1.Sederunt and Apologies.
2.Minutes of Meeting held 20th February 2008.
3.Matters Arising.
4. Police Report.
5. HMO Seminar.
6. Neighbourhood Partnership Report.
7. Future Meeting Dates.
8. AOCB.
9. Next Meeting 9 April 2008.
On WEDNESDAY 12 March 2008 at 7.30pm in
St Catherine’s Argyle Church Community Hall, Grange Road
All who live or work or are active in the area are welcome.
Hearing loop available.
1.Sederunt and Apologies.
2.Minutes of Meeting held 20th February 2008.
3.Matters Arising.
4. Police Report.
5. HMO Seminar.
6. Neighbourhood Partnership Report.
7. Future Meeting Dates.
8. AOCB.
9. Next Meeting 9 April 2008.
EACC meeting with Councillors from the Green Party
The Edinburgh Association of Community Councillors is organising meetings with representatives from all the party groups and the next in the series is with Councillors from the Green Party on Saturday 8 March at 10 am in the City Chambers.
For more information about the EACC visit their blog at www.edinburghccs.blogspot.com or visit the website at www.eacc.btik.com.
For more information about the EACC visit their blog at www.edinburghccs.blogspot.com or visit the website at www.eacc.btik.com.
Edinburgh City Council Annual Report
Summary of Main Points
Caring for our most vulnerable
An additional £5.8million per year for vulnerable children
£6.2million per year for care of older people.
Maximising opportunities and learning for our children
£33million to rebuild or refurbish all five schools in the ‘Wave 3’ scheme, with £16million of that allocated over the next three years.
A safe, green, clean and attractive city
An additional £240,000 for street cleaning
£6million for improved waste reduction, reuse and recycling
£45million over three years in flood prevention schemes.
Promoting economic growth
£350,000 for the promotion of Edinburgh.
Continued funding for the Edinburgh/Glasgow collaboration project of over £100,000 in 2008/09.
Capitalising on our festivals and culture and tourism
£542,000 for the Edinburgh International Festival and £800,000 for Winter Festivals.
£6m for refurbishment of the Kings Theatre
£115,000 to allow open museums on Sundays
Promoting Sport and Leisure
£21 million for the Royal Commonwealth Pool and Meadowbank Stadium;
£5 million for refurbishment of Glenogle Baths;
5 million investment in parks, pitches and pavilions;
£3.5million for a new library at Drumbrae
Modern, effective transport arrangements
£60m over three years in roads for roads and pavements
£2.9million over three years for cycling, walking and safer streets
Affordable housing
£3.6million over three years in housing regeneration.
£36million of housing development funding to increase the supply of affordable housing.
Councillor Jenny DaweLeader – The City of Edinburgh Council
Caring for our most vulnerable
An additional £5.8million per year for vulnerable children
£6.2million per year for care of older people.
Maximising opportunities and learning for our children
£33million to rebuild or refurbish all five schools in the ‘Wave 3’ scheme, with £16million of that allocated over the next three years.
A safe, green, clean and attractive city
An additional £240,000 for street cleaning
£6million for improved waste reduction, reuse and recycling
£45million over three years in flood prevention schemes.
Promoting economic growth
£350,000 for the promotion of Edinburgh.
Continued funding for the Edinburgh/Glasgow collaboration project of over £100,000 in 2008/09.
Capitalising on our festivals and culture and tourism
£542,000 for the Edinburgh International Festival and £800,000 for Winter Festivals.
£6m for refurbishment of the Kings Theatre
£115,000 to allow open museums on Sundays
Promoting Sport and Leisure
£21 million for the Royal Commonwealth Pool and Meadowbank Stadium;
£5 million for refurbishment of Glenogle Baths;
5 million investment in parks, pitches and pavilions;
£3.5million for a new library at Drumbrae
Modern, effective transport arrangements
£60m over three years in roads for roads and pavements
£2.9million over three years for cycling, walking and safer streets
Affordable housing
£3.6million over three years in housing regeneration.
£36million of housing development funding to increase the supply of affordable housing.
Councillor Jenny DaweLeader – The City of Edinburgh Council
Edinburgh Council
As part of The City of Edinburgh Councils (CEC) continuing aim to ensure that recycling is easily accessible to residents, the CEC are now offering residents who use the multi material kerbside box recycling service the facility where they can pick up replacement rain caps for their kerbside boxes, blue bags for paper recycling and salvation army bags for clothes recycling from their local library.
I would appreciate if you could forward this information on to as many parties as possible to promote the service.
If you require any further information please contact CEC on 0131 529 3030.
Campbell Clark
Recycling Advisory Officer
I would appreciate if you could forward this information on to as many parties as possible to promote the service.
If you require any further information please contact CEC on 0131 529 3030.
Campbell Clark
Recycling Advisory Officer
Edinburgh Council,
Environmental Fora
Environmental Forum 1 Meeting
Monday 17th March, at 7pm in the Eltham Suite, Eric Liddell Centre
The South Central Neighbourhood Partnership recognises the good work of the forums and is very keen to build on past successes and importantly, retain participation to ensure local people are able to help monitor and influence local service delivery.
Minutes of previous meetings
Multi Member Ward: 10 Meadows/Morningside
Minute of Meeting: 28 January 2008
Community Representatives
John Simon Marchmont/Sciennes Community Council
Brian Harris Local Resident & Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links
David Rintoul Tollcross Community Council
Ian Clement Local Resident
John Lowe Local Resident
Bridget Stevens Merchiston Community Council
Jean Thompson Morningside community Council
Goff Cantley Friends of Hermitage and Blackford Hill
Alison Johnstone
David Doig Services for Communities
Ann Wigglesworth Tollcross Community Council
Frances Hawarden Merchiston Community Council
Donald Burgess Services for Communities
Welcome & Introductions
David opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and wishing them a belated Happy New Year.
A welcome was also given to Goff Cantley who was attending for the first time.
As above
Previous Minutes
Minutes Agreed
Matters Arising
The local Community action plans were distributed.
Item 3(4) BH stated that bin creeping still happening
Item 3(7) BH asked for update on Bin stickers
Item 7 BH asked if Waste Aware Officer was attending, DD stated that he hoped to have them present at next meeting.
JT informed meeting she has arranged to meet council officer about glass recycling bin in Morningside.
BS asked that we re-enforce issue relating to glass
BS indicated that recycling area at Napier University is now open 52 weeks a year.
DD informed group that he was still awaiting specification for speed humps.
JL forwarded list of outstanding Clarence issues relating to Street Lighting.
JL highlighted issue of gully cleaning staff not uplifting material after the empty gully.
JL indicated problem with ponding on corner of Morningside Road at Holy Corner.
Neighbourhood Partnership Update
DD informed the meeting that at the previous meeting on 14 January it was agreed that an officer sub-group would be reviewing the partnership sub-group structure, which includes the 2 environmental forums and the Meadows and Tollcross working groups. It is intended that the group would report to a business meeting of the Partnership how the sub-groups would contribute to the development of the local community plan. The next meeting of the partnership is Monday, 10 March 2008.
Performance Information
DD informed the meeting that the recent CIMS scores for the area were pleasing. The ward 10 score was 68 which, was the same as the City score.
DD highlighted that it was still the intention to bring more information of this nature to the meeting in the future.
Election of Chair
Councillor Alison Johnstone was elected as Chairperson
Any Other Competent Business
DR asked if the air quality levels could be taken, there are report sampling stations within Tollcross.
IC raised the issue about width specifications of Yellow Lines.
?? raised the issue of the camber of the road and the skid resistance surfacing.
JL raised issue about inspection plate covering the drain at Le Mouton Moi.
BS asked if anything could be done about air pollution coming canal barges.
GC asked if yellow bicycle frame could be removed from Hermitage Terrace fence line.
Dates of Next Meeting
Next meeting is due for 24th March but this is Easter Monday, so it was agreed that Monday 17th March would be the substitute date at the Eric Liddle Centre.
The full schedule of meetings was agreed for 2008.
26th May
28th July
22nd September
24th November
SfC Contacts:
David Doig Local Environmental Manager
0131 529 5187
Donald Burgess Partnership Development Officer
0131 52 95396
Multi-Member Ward: 15 South Side Newington
Minute of Meeting: 23 January 2008
Present: Community Representatives:
Elspeth Zank Local resident
Brian Charlesworth West Blacket Association
Douglas Dalgleish Savile Area Residents Association
Hilary McDowell South Newington Residents Association
Ian Carter Blacket Association
Bert Arnott Grange Prestonfield Community Council
Kate Arnott Grange Prestonfield Community Council
Andrew Bell Grange Association
Jo Scott South Side Community Council
Colin Christison South Side Community Council
Councillor Cameron Rose
CEC: Services for Communities (SfC):
Susan Bruce Neighbourhood Manager
Donald Burgess Partnership Development Officer
Apologies: Maureen Edwards Lady Road Allotments
PC Hopper L & B Police
David Doig Neighbourhood Environment Manager
Welcome & Introductions
Susan welcomed everyone to the meeting and made introductions.
As above
Previous Minutes and Matters Arising
Minutes agreed.
Action points from previous meeting – in light of David Doig’s absence it was agreed that these items would be updated and circulated with the minutes of the meeting. See attached Issues Log
Fly posting continues to be an issue – Susan Bruce suggested that Kathy Evans, Neighbourhood Community Safety Manager, attend a Forum meeting to brief the group on action being taken. Cllr Rose also noted that there is a city centre group looking specifically at the issue of fly posting.
The issue of potential street furniture clutter as a result of the implementation of the CPZ was raised and discussed. Cllr Rose to investigate and report back at the next meeting.
The issue of the perceived poor performance of CLARENCE was discussed. Susan Bruce advised that the processes in relation to roads, gullies and street lighting are currently being reviewed by consultants and that it would be appropriate to report back on this once the review has been completed.
Election of Chair Person
Following some discussion it was agreed that Councillor Rose would ensure that a councilor would chair the next three meetings but that the group should consider a resident for the chair thereafter.
Neighbourhood Partnership Update
Susan Bruce advised that the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership met on 14th January. At this meeting it was agreed that an officer support group would be reviewing the Partnership sub-group structure (which includes the 2 environmental forums, the Meadows and Tollcross short life working groups and the TAC). This group would report to a business meeting of the partnership on how the sub-groups would contribute to the development of the local community plan. The next meeting of the partnership is on 10th March at 7pm in St Peters Church Hall, Lutton Place.
Performance Information
In light of David Doig’s absence it was agreed that these items would be updated and circulated with the minutes of the meeting.
The issue of the Waste Management Review was discussed and Susan Bruce suggested that it would be appropriate for this to be reported to the group upon completion.
Incorporated into the Issues Log
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 26th March 2008 The Society Room, Nicolson Square Church, 25 Nicolson Square
SfC Contacts:
David Doig Local Environmental Manager
0131 529 5187
Donald Burgess Partnership Development Officer
0131 52 95396
Monday 17th March, at 7pm in the Eltham Suite, Eric Liddell Centre
The South Central Neighbourhood Partnership recognises the good work of the forums and is very keen to build on past successes and importantly, retain participation to ensure local people are able to help monitor and influence local service delivery.
Minutes of previous meetings
Multi Member Ward: 10 Meadows/Morningside
Minute of Meeting: 28 January 2008
Community Representatives
John Simon Marchmont/Sciennes Community Council
Brian Harris Local Resident & Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links
David Rintoul Tollcross Community Council
Ian Clement Local Resident
John Lowe Local Resident
Bridget Stevens Merchiston Community Council
Jean Thompson Morningside community Council
Goff Cantley Friends of Hermitage and Blackford Hill
Alison Johnstone
David Doig Services for Communities
Ann Wigglesworth Tollcross Community Council
Frances Hawarden Merchiston Community Council
Donald Burgess Services for Communities
Welcome & Introductions
David opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and wishing them a belated Happy New Year.
A welcome was also given to Goff Cantley who was attending for the first time.
As above
Previous Minutes
Minutes Agreed
Matters Arising
The local Community action plans were distributed.
Item 3(4) BH stated that bin creeping still happening
Item 3(7) BH asked for update on Bin stickers
Item 7 BH asked if Waste Aware Officer was attending, DD stated that he hoped to have them present at next meeting.
JT informed meeting she has arranged to meet council officer about glass recycling bin in Morningside.
BS asked that we re-enforce issue relating to glass
BS indicated that recycling area at Napier University is now open 52 weeks a year.
DD informed group that he was still awaiting specification for speed humps.
JL forwarded list of outstanding Clarence issues relating to Street Lighting.
JL highlighted issue of gully cleaning staff not uplifting material after the empty gully.
JL indicated problem with ponding on corner of Morningside Road at Holy Corner.
Neighbourhood Partnership Update
DD informed the meeting that at the previous meeting on 14 January it was agreed that an officer sub-group would be reviewing the partnership sub-group structure, which includes the 2 environmental forums and the Meadows and Tollcross working groups. It is intended that the group would report to a business meeting of the Partnership how the sub-groups would contribute to the development of the local community plan. The next meeting of the partnership is Monday, 10 March 2008.
Performance Information
DD informed the meeting that the recent CIMS scores for the area were pleasing. The ward 10 score was 68 which, was the same as the City score.
DD highlighted that it was still the intention to bring more information of this nature to the meeting in the future.
Election of Chair
Councillor Alison Johnstone was elected as Chairperson
Any Other Competent Business
DR asked if the air quality levels could be taken, there are report sampling stations within Tollcross.
IC raised the issue about width specifications of Yellow Lines.
?? raised the issue of the camber of the road and the skid resistance surfacing.
JL raised issue about inspection plate covering the drain at Le Mouton Moi.
BS asked if anything could be done about air pollution coming canal barges.
GC asked if yellow bicycle frame could be removed from Hermitage Terrace fence line.
Dates of Next Meeting
Next meeting is due for 24th March but this is Easter Monday, so it was agreed that Monday 17th March would be the substitute date at the Eric Liddle Centre.
The full schedule of meetings was agreed for 2008.
26th May
28th July
22nd September
24th November
SfC Contacts:
David Doig Local Environmental Manager
0131 529 5187
Donald Burgess Partnership Development Officer
0131 52 95396
Multi-Member Ward: 15 South Side Newington
Minute of Meeting: 23 January 2008
Present: Community Representatives:
Elspeth Zank Local resident
Brian Charlesworth West Blacket Association
Douglas Dalgleish Savile Area Residents Association
Hilary McDowell South Newington Residents Association
Ian Carter Blacket Association
Bert Arnott Grange Prestonfield Community Council
Kate Arnott Grange Prestonfield Community Council
Andrew Bell Grange Association
Jo Scott South Side Community Council
Colin Christison South Side Community Council
Councillor Cameron Rose
CEC: Services for Communities (SfC):
Susan Bruce Neighbourhood Manager
Donald Burgess Partnership Development Officer
Apologies: Maureen Edwards Lady Road Allotments
PC Hopper L & B Police
David Doig Neighbourhood Environment Manager
Welcome & Introductions
Susan welcomed everyone to the meeting and made introductions.
As above
Previous Minutes and Matters Arising
Minutes agreed.
Action points from previous meeting – in light of David Doig’s absence it was agreed that these items would be updated and circulated with the minutes of the meeting. See attached Issues Log
Fly posting continues to be an issue – Susan Bruce suggested that Kathy Evans, Neighbourhood Community Safety Manager, attend a Forum meeting to brief the group on action being taken. Cllr Rose also noted that there is a city centre group looking specifically at the issue of fly posting.
The issue of potential street furniture clutter as a result of the implementation of the CPZ was raised and discussed. Cllr Rose to investigate and report back at the next meeting.
The issue of the perceived poor performance of CLARENCE was discussed. Susan Bruce advised that the processes in relation to roads, gullies and street lighting are currently being reviewed by consultants and that it would be appropriate to report back on this once the review has been completed.
Election of Chair Person
Following some discussion it was agreed that Councillor Rose would ensure that a councilor would chair the next three meetings but that the group should consider a resident for the chair thereafter.
Neighbourhood Partnership Update
Susan Bruce advised that the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership met on 14th January. At this meeting it was agreed that an officer support group would be reviewing the Partnership sub-group structure (which includes the 2 environmental forums, the Meadows and Tollcross short life working groups and the TAC). This group would report to a business meeting of the partnership on how the sub-groups would contribute to the development of the local community plan. The next meeting of the partnership is on 10th March at 7pm in St Peters Church Hall, Lutton Place.
Performance Information
In light of David Doig’s absence it was agreed that these items would be updated and circulated with the minutes of the meeting.
The issue of the Waste Management Review was discussed and Susan Bruce suggested that it would be appropriate for this to be reported to the group upon completion.
Incorporated into the Issues Log
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 26th March 2008 The Society Room, Nicolson Square Church, 25 Nicolson Square
SfC Contacts:
David Doig Local Environmental Manager
0131 529 5187
Donald Burgess Partnership Development Officer
0131 52 95396
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Association of Scottish Community Councils
ASCC is hosting a Regional Meeting for all Community Councillors in your region.
Saturday 15th March 2008
The City Chambers, City of Edinburgh Council, Edinburgh
10am Arrive and Settle In
10.30 Meet representatives of the Executive Council of ASCC
Discuss its work and what it should do for you.
11.00 Open Forum- What can the ASCC do to strengthen Community Councils
The Scottish Executive review of Community Councils
Your issues and concerns
11.30 Scottish Govt. Proposals for Increased Public Involvement and
elections to local Health Boards
12.20 Lunch
1pm Question Time An all party panel of Lothians MSP's answer YOUR questions
Saturday 15th March 2008
The City Chambers, City of Edinburgh Council, Edinburgh
10am Arrive and Settle In
10.30 Meet representatives of the Executive Council of ASCC
Discuss its work and what it should do for you.
11.00 Open Forum- What can the ASCC do to strengthen Community Councils
The Scottish Executive review of Community Councils
Your issues and concerns
11.30 Scottish Govt. Proposals for Increased Public Involvement and
elections to local Health Boards
12.20 Lunch
1pm Question Time An all party panel of Lothians MSP's answer YOUR questions
The second National Planning Framework (NPF2)provides an important vehicle for the national debate about the sort of place we want Scotland to be. It will guide Scotland's spatial development to 2030, setting out strategic development priorities to support The Scottish Government's central purpose - promoting sustainable economic growth.
National Planning Framework Roadshow
Edinburgh - Victoria Quay 07 March 2008
This event is now fully subscribed
The objectives of the discussion events are as follows:
To seek to build consensus on the NPF2 strategy; 2. To seek views on the proposed national developments; 3. To identify ways in which the draft can be strengthened; 4. To seek views on the content of the Action Programme; and 5. To seek views on the content of the Strategic Environmental Report.
National Planning Framework Roadshow
Edinburgh - Victoria Quay 07 March 2008
This event is now fully subscribed
The objectives of the discussion events are as follows:
To seek to build consensus on the NPF2 strategy; 2. To seek views on the proposed national developments; 3. To identify ways in which the draft can be strengthened; 4. To seek views on the content of the Action Programme; and 5. To seek views on the content of the Strategic Environmental Report.
Local People Leading,
Customer Service Strategy
Environmental Fora
• Environment Forum 1 - Ward 10
• Councillors
• Community Councils
• open to the public
Meets every6-8 weeks
Reports to Neighbourhood Partnership Board
SfC Contact
David Doig
South Environment Manager
529 5187
• Environment Forum 2 - Ward 15
• Councillors
• Community Councils
• open to the public
Meets last Wed of every second month
(starting Jan '08)
Reports to Neighbourhood Partnership Board
SfC contact
David Doig
South Environment Manager
529 5187
• Environment Forum 3 - Ward 16
Friends of Parks
Friends of Parks are groups of volunteers who play a vital role in enhancing and protecting local parks, woodlands and green spaces across Edinburgh. Working with the Council’s Parks Service, the groups give residents a greater say in what goes on in their park.
The groups volunteer their time and energy to get involved with a range of projects including;
Fundraising for improvements and events in the park
Enhancing biodiversity (e.g. creation of wildflower meadows, installing bird boxes)
Practical tasks like clean-ups and tree planting
Improving access
Contributing to the management of the park
Leading walks and talks
Producing leaflets and other educational material
List of Friends of Parks groups
Friends of Blinkbonny Park
Friends of Ferry Glen
Friends of Braid Burn Valley Park
Friends of Gardeners Crescent
Friends of Cammo
Friends of George V Park & Scotland Yard Association
Friends of Colinton Mains Park
Friends of the Gyle Park
Friends of Corstorphine Hill
Friends of Harrison Park
Friends of Craiglockhart Nature Trail
Friends of Hermitage and Blackford Hill
Friends of Craiglockhart Woods Group
Friends of Hillside and Calton Area
Friends of Dalmeny Street Park
Friends of Inverleith Park
Friends of Fairmilehead Park
Friends of the Meadows
Friends of Hopetoun Crescent Gardens
Friends of Meadows Yard
Friends of Ravelston Park & Woods
Friends of Muirwood Park
Other groups
Beautiful South Queensferry
Prestonfield in Bloom
Greener Leith
Queensferry Environmental Forum
Redbraes Residents Association
Hailesland Flats Gardening Club
• Environment Forum 1 - Ward 10
• Councillors
• Community Councils
• open to the public
Meets every6-8 weeks
Reports to Neighbourhood Partnership Board
SfC Contact
David Doig
South Environment Manager
529 5187
• Environment Forum 2 - Ward 15
• Councillors
• Community Councils
• open to the public
Meets last Wed of every second month
(starting Jan '08)
Reports to Neighbourhood Partnership Board
SfC contact
David Doig
South Environment Manager
529 5187
• Environment Forum 3 - Ward 16

Friends of Parks are groups of volunteers who play a vital role in enhancing and protecting local parks, woodlands and green spaces across Edinburgh. Working with the Council’s Parks Service, the groups give residents a greater say in what goes on in their park.
The groups volunteer their time and energy to get involved with a range of projects including;
Fundraising for improvements and events in the park
Enhancing biodiversity (e.g. creation of wildflower meadows, installing bird boxes)
Practical tasks like clean-ups and tree planting
Improving access
Contributing to the management of the park
Leading walks and talks
Producing leaflets and other educational material
List of Friends of Parks groups
Friends of Blinkbonny Park
Friends of Ferry Glen
Friends of Braid Burn Valley Park
Friends of Gardeners Crescent
Friends of Cammo
Friends of George V Park & Scotland Yard Association
Friends of Colinton Mains Park
Friends of the Gyle Park
Friends of Corstorphine Hill
Friends of Harrison Park
Friends of Craiglockhart Nature Trail
Friends of Hermitage and Blackford Hill
Friends of Craiglockhart Woods Group
Friends of Hillside and Calton Area
Friends of Dalmeny Street Park
Friends of Inverleith Park
Friends of Fairmilehead Park
Friends of the Meadows
Friends of Hopetoun Crescent Gardens
Friends of Meadows Yard
Friends of Ravelston Park & Woods
Friends of Muirwood Park
Other groups
Beautiful South Queensferry
Prestonfield in Bloom
Greener Leith
Queensferry Environmental Forum
Redbraes Residents Association
Hailesland Flats Gardening Club
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