This blog is where you will find community council information, including meeting times, minutes and agenda. Do please comment on postings.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

MSCC - Minutes for January 2025


Marchmont and Sciennes Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on 22nd January 2025 at St. Catherine’s Argyle Church Hall


Present: Brian Gilmore - Chair, Anne Laing - MSCC Secretary, Alison Service - MSCC Treasurer, Douglas Rogers - MSCC, Cllr. Mandy Watt, Cllr. Pauline Flannery, Kate McNairney - SMAG, Anthony Holmes - Thirlestane Lane Association, Richard Shillcock - local resident


Apologies: Susie Agnew - MSCC, Liane Phillips - MSCC Publicity, Kayleigh Gordon - MSCC Publicity, MP Ian Murray


Attending: Nora Flynn-McIver - Minutes Secretary


Meeting began at 7:34


Draft Minutes of 27/11/24

Alison moves to pass, Anne seconds. The minutes pass unanimously.


Matters Arising

Earl of Marchmont defibrillator: the planning application has gone in with the help of Ben Parker, the planning department was helpful, but we did not actually need planning permission. Alison is currently waiting for information regarding the grant application, but they don’t get the money until June. As such, the defibrillator will likely not be installed until June.


Sunday parking on Melville Drive: Susie Agnew passed a note that she had talked to Cllr. Neil Ross who has said that he will discuss this with colleagues in the Transport Committee to see if this can be addressed.


Police Report



Meadows & Bruntsfield Links/FOMBL Report incl. public toilets

FOMBL has received the biodiversity report, which has been circulated. The public toilet situation is ongoing, but FOMBL is still liaising on certain aspects. Work should be starting this spring and there are just a few more things to figure out. There have been no changes regarding the placement of the toilets. The temporary toilets have also been removed.


City Councillor report on local issues

Cllr. Flannery: On the toilets in the Meadows, Marco Gali is working with Healthmatic to figure out construction, and plans to have a timeline soon. He has assured council that the project is on time. Information should be put on the council website.

A local resident wants to make the front gardens on Livingston Place look more presentable and Cllr. Flannery is happy to liaise on this. The local resident also wants to cooperate with neighbors and Sciennes School. Cllr. Flannery recommends that MSCC work with her on this.

The Culture and Community Committee has sent out emails to councillors for ongoing training, this process is on a committee report.

The visitor levy is being voted on this Friday, there are sticking points about timeline. Cllr. Flannery’s understanding of this is that it comes into effect in July 2026, and you will be charged for bookings from August 1st of 2025.

Alison asked about gaining access to the constitution for MSCC, Cllr. Flannery will follow this up because the current document may be a draft.

On environmental visits, there appears to be some confusion on what level of care the Council should be providing, and Cllr. Flannery is looking into this. This currently is only done for Council-owned buildings.


Cllr. Watt: the bin hub issue continues to be an issue. The quiet route is also still an issue.

On the visitor levy, the draft agreement is that the levy is 5% for the first five days of a visitor’s stay. This should start from August 2025, and the issues that Cllr. Flannery spoke about are still in negotiation. The levy can only be used to promote visitor experience or to mitigate effects of visitors. The most controversial part of this is to put the money into housing. The tourism mitigation aspect may look for insight from community councils about the use of the money, this creates an opportunity for locals to give insight on what may be needed. This could be related to public toilets and these could be improved with this levy. The estimates of how much will be raised vary between £14,000 and £40,000 per year, so the total amount estimated is unclear. Cllr. Flannery notes that the website Leith Chooses may be a good template for this sort of community project and participatory budgeting. Douglas Rogers asked if the EACC had been contacted, Cllr. Watts recommended that community councils can reach out for this. He also noted that graffiti removal has declined and suggested that some of the money be used for this. Cllr. Watts noted that the Council can only remove graffiti on public property. Douglas also mentioned that a graffiti reporting system could be upgraded.



Kayleigh is happy to advertise for future councillors.


Upcoming CC elections

The community council is reconstituted with a set of elections coming up. MSCC can have up to 12 community councillors, if there are more than 12 nominated then there would be an election, but this is unlikely. The notice of election will be published on the 5th of February and nominations will open for candidates on the 6th of February. Nominations will close on the 27th of February. The form is relatively easy and you need two people from the local area to nominate you. If elections are required, they will take place on the 27th of March, and the new session will begin on the 28th of March. The returning officer from Council must call and chair the meeting, and then set up the new office bearers. Brian noted that it would be nice if the meeting could be on the normal date, but this may not necessarily happen. This is being advertised via leaflets and the website, also possibly The Meadow’s Share. Cllr. Flannery offered that there is a website for the University of Edinburgh run by Stuart Tooley that advertises community group work and that this could help to get more students involved.


Update on bin hubs

Kate McNairney talked about the South Meadows Action Group. They have monthly meetings and their monthly newsletter will advertise the changes that the Council made in December. They are also trying to create a framework to ensure that people who want their bin hubs moved can have their voices heard. Cllr. Flannery noted that there is also a review on the 6th of March about this. Brian mentioned that SMAG could propose being an associate member of MSCC from the action group and have an official person representing the group on the community council.


Planning applications

Report has been circulated by the Grange Association.


Update on Sewer Flooding Project

Anne reports that they hope to be finished by May.


Treasurer’s Report

£843 in the bank. Next month there will be £21 outgoing for the location map for the defibrillator.


Meetings attended



Christmas Tree event

The event was successful, it raised approximately £120 for The Breakfast Bothy. After the event, ScotMid gave vouchers, but only £20 so the remainder came out of the MSCC budget. Brian thanked Alison for her work on the project, as well as everybody else who put in work for the event.



Douglas met with IQ Students in London and has gotten an assurance from them that they will start preparing a lease or license for the community space in the student accommodation, and that Alexa will work with Douglas to prepare the space for use as an arts centre once they have access to the building.


Date of next meeting

Wednesday, February 26th, 2025