This blog is where you will find community council information, including meeting times, minutes and agenda. Do please comment on postings.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

MSCC Minutes of the May 2024 Meeting


Marchmont and Sciennes Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on May 24th, 2024 at St. Catherine’s Argyle Church Hall


Present: Brian Gilmore - Chair, Anne Laing - MSCC Secretary, Alison Service - MSCC Treasurer, Douglas Rogers - MSCC, Cllr. Pauline Flannery, Stephen Antram - local resident


Apologies: Susie Agnew - MSCC, Lianne Phillips - MSCC Publicity, Kayleigh Gordon - MSCC Publicity


Attending: Nora Flynn-McIver - Minutes Secretary


Meeting began at 7:32pm


Draft Minutes of 24/04/24

Alison notes that 27-31 Ratcliffe Terrace should be listed as a property, not a house, and also requested that it be clarified that Calum Bell will be donating the table tennis and benches to FOMBL, but they do not yet have these.

Anne moves to pass, Alison seconds, the minutes pass.


Matters Arising



Police Report



City Councillor report on local issues

On the bin hub issue: Cllr. Flannery gave statistics on bin hubs - there have been 135 changes to bin hubs, approximately 9% of bin hubs in total. There will be a list of changes published and there are some changes to come as well. The main difficulty is the rigidity of the application of the criteria for bin hub placement. In some places, there were particularly good reasons for moving bin hubs that have not made the bins be moved. Controlled Parking Zones is another reason why moving bin hubs is difficult. There are some bin hubs where CPZs are different, so 2/9 properties on a street are in one area and 52 are in another. The ward councillors are meeting in the next few weeks to try and figure out the issue. The noise of the glass bins is also being addressed because the lining of the bins is not sufficient. Douglas asked about whether there might be a mandate to recycle glass through shops, but this seems unlikely.

Brian notes the circulated email from Cllr. Ross about Cllr. Osler bringing a motion to the committee tomorrow, Cllr. Flannery believes that this motion is a possibility for to go through. The bins that have not been changed already will be monitored and will hopefully be able to be changed if necessary.

It may be possible for the bins to be changed without a TRO if moving them takes less than 45 minutes, Cllr. Flannery is going to check on this.

There is a meeting of the Transport and Environment Committee covering bin hubs on the 23rd.


There is a local housing strategy online and people can sign up and give their views - this may be specifically relevant in Marchmont/Sciennes due to its diverse population.

The student housing application on Causewayside was withdrawn, but there is a possibility that the sale of Summerhall could result in more student housing. Summerhall is being sold with protections for the groups that use it, meaning that it is likely to still be an arts community centre of some sort. The property has also acquired an alcohol license for the entire property. It is possible that one part of the property will be sold but not the others. Cllr. Flannery will be looking into what parts of the property are listed. There is a petition on about the sale of Summerhall and there have been meetings and requests for councillors to try and give support. If people want to try to preserve Summerhall, this likely needs to be a community effort.


The feasibility for the tram extension from the North to the South will be looked at tomorrow, but the money necessary is not available at the moment - it would be difficult to justify this cost to council. If this does go through, there will be a consultation.


Douglas asked about what is happening to St Catherine’s Argyle church, Anne says that it is being sold at the end of the year and the congregation is merging with Marchmont St Giles - a new name for the union is being chosen but has not been decided on yet.





Planning applications

Grange Association report has been circulated.


FOMBL Report & Meadows Festival

There will be an AGM in June along with a public meeting, this is on their website and has been circulated to the MSCC mailing list.


There should be updates upcoming about the installation of the toilets, the only current information is that they are on their way.


MSCC will be contributing to the Southside Community Council’s tent at the Meadows Festival.


Update on Sewer Flooding project

Two updates have been circulated, including a diagram of the plans for the works.


Treasurer’s Report

£1280 in the bank, the audit is done and ready for the AGM.


Meetings attended



Bin Hub Situation

Anne reached out on behalf of the MSCC to Michael Richardson, but the only response was an attachment to the next two phases. Alison wrote to Cllr. Pogson about the planning and whether there is any flexibility. Cllr. Flannery notes that it is worth reaching out again and copying in Paul Lawrence, who is high on the chain of command. Stephen Antram has reached out to Paul Lawrence, who delegated to a clerk, and he got a response eventually. His bin hub is now being used as a smoking area and people have been dumping garbage disproportionately in his bin. Cllr. Flannery notes that it is good to continue exerting pressure, specifically referencing bad communication and lack of consultation. The motion going in tomorrow is specifically on the impact on the local community. Brian spoke with Cllr. Arthur about the bin hubs and got nowhere.



Douglas is going to try to figure out who now owns Mortuary Chapel, as it has been sold by Downing, possibly to a student accommodation company.


Stephen Antram also notes that the storm drains need to be cleaned - he has reported this to council, but nothing has happened. Cllr. Flannery will chase this up. There are also several overflowing bin hubs near the previous Downing site, Douglas is going to chase this up.


Dates of events taking place in the Meadows:

27-28 May, James Gillespie’s High School Sports Day

29 May, Sciennes School Sports Day

14 June, Archers event

6 July, World Naked Bike Ride

15 July, World Orienteering Championships

28 July, Mindful Peace Walk


Date of next meeting

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 - the AGM will also be at this meeting