This blog is where you will find community council information, including meeting times, minutes and agenda. Do please comment on postings.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

MSCC Draft Agenda for 26th June 2024


M archmont & Sciennes

Community Council

Meeting on Wed 26th June 2024 at 7:30pm (including AGM)

To be held at St Catherine’s Argyle Church hall


1 Sederunt and apologies

2   Draft Minutes of last meeting 28thJune 2023; actions and matters arising (not otherwise on Agenda)

3 Police Report

4 Meadows & Bruntsfield Links: Including FOMBL report

5 Publicity

6 City Councillor report on topical local issues

7 Update on progress of buildings replacing old Sick Kids

Items for AGM

A1 Approve Note of last year's AGM

A2 Matters arising from the AGM minutes

A3 Annual Report - Chair (Brian Gilmore)

A4 Annual Report - Secretary (Anne Laing)

A5 Annual Report and presentation of audited accounts - Treasurer (Alison Service)

A6 Election of Officers

A7 Date of next AGM

A8 Ordinary meeting dates for 2024-2025

Proposed: 4th Wed of each month except no meeting in July, August or December


Items for discussion

9 Planning applications

Any significant?

For info:

11 Treasurer's report

12 Meetings attended


14 Date of next meeting: Wednesday 25th September 2024

All who live or work locally are welcome to attend