This blog is where you will find community council information, including meeting times, minutes and agenda. Do please comment on postings.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Agenda for MSCC meeting on We 27 April 2016 at 7:30pm

Marchmont & Sciennes Community Council will hold its monthly regular meeting on We 27 April 2016. 

The meeting will take place in our usual venue of St Catherine's Argyle Church Halls on Beaufort Road/ Grange Road. The meeting will start at 7:30pm.

This will be our seventh meeting of 15/16.  The next meeting after this one will be We 25 May 2016. 
All who live or work in the area are most welcome to attend 

 1                  Sederunt and apologies
 2                     Draft Minutes of last meeting, 23 March 2016, and matters arising (not otherwise on Agenda)
·       Pedestrian route on Beaufort Road
·       MSCC Banner
·       How many households in our neighbourhood

 3                  Meadows & Bruntsfield Links: Update from Mike Shields
·       Further flags in front of bench

 4                  Police Report

Items for discussion
 5                  Leaflet delivery
 6                  planning application
·       Shop to café at 15 Roseneath Street
·       New mews house  at 1 Thirlestane Lane
 7                  Christmas Lights
 8                  Public Toilets
 9                  Health in Mind speaker
10                  JGHS catchment (Gaelic review)

For info:
11                  Treasurer's report
12                  Meetings attended

13                  AOCB

14                  Date of next meeting: 25 May 2016

Friday, 15 April 2016

Last chance to register to vote in upcoming Scot Parl election: deadline is midnight on Mo 18 Apr

You can’t vote in the upcoming Scottish parliament election unless you’ve registered.

We encourage everyone to get registered as soon as possible, but the deadline is midnight on Monday 18 April 2016

You can register online via

Information evening for 2017 Marie Curie Costa Rica Trek will be on 16 May 2016

For more details on the trek see

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Book a role model online with Champions in Scotland in Scotland is providing an opportunity for schools, clubs or community groups to request a visit from one of Scotland's top athletes by using its Find a Champion tool on its website.

Champions in Scotland delivers interactive workshops titled 'Success through effort' and 'Learning from Failure', to inspire young people to achieve their personal best.

Since 2008, it has impacted more than 17,000 young people across Scotland, with over 87 per cent saying they were more able to overcome challenges after taking part. Do you know any young people who would like to be inspired by a local role model?

The April Meadows Directory is now online

The April Meadows Directory is now online

Canongate Youth Quiz night on Fr 6 May

Grants available from Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland (QNIS)

The Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland (QNIS) is delighted to announce the launch of this year’s Catalysts for Change 2 ProgrammeApplications for grants, of up to £5,000 are invited until Monday 6 June.

The focus of the work should be on generating or rehearsing ideas with a particular marginalised group that embraces the integration agenda, contributes to reducing inequalities and/ or empowers individuals, families and groups to improve their health and wellbeing.  The projects must also be able to demonstrate added value in terms of the creative connections that are being generated through the work.  The projects will be small scale, and may involve scoping a need or piloting a new way of working.
Projects must be led by a nurse who works in the community and involve a range of others from across agencies and sectors with the skills needed to make a difference.  We would encourage teams to consider involving a team member from a university or practice development team to support the evaluation of the project.  Projects will run for one year from July 2016-July 2017.