The Council has prepared a Second Proposed Edinburgh Local Development Plan. It sets out policies and proposals to guide land use and development.
The Second Proposed Plan is accompanied by a Environmental Report - Second Revision, a Second Proposed Action Programme, a revised Draft Habitats Regulations Appraisal Record and a number of other supporting documents. These include a Schedule of Representations, which explains what regard has been had to representations made in 2013 to the first Proposed Plan.
All of these documents are available for inspection from 22nd August – 3rd October 2014 at:
- Planning and Building Standards Reception, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
- All Council libraries during normal opening hours.
Representations can be made on the Second Proposed Plan. These must be submitted in writing using the form provided by 5.00pm on Friday 3 October 2014. Representations can be submitted electronically to or by post to Local Development Plan Team, City of Edinburgh Council, Business Centre G.3, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG.
Copies of the representations form and guidance note on submitting representations are available on the above website, at Waverley Court and in Council libraries.
If you made a representation to the first Proposed Plan in 2013, please note that you will need to resubmit your representation if you wish it to be formally considered by the Council and dealt with through the examination process.
Written comments can also be submitted on the Environmental Report, Action Programme, Draft Habitats Regulations Appraisal Record and other supporting documents. These should be sent to the above email or postal address by Friday 3rd October 2014.
Drop-in engagement events have been arranged to provide further information on any aspect of the Second Proposed Plan:
- North West Edinburgh, Rosebery Hall, Queensferry, 26 August, 3.30-6.45pm.
- West Edinburgh, Drumbrae Library Hub, 28 August, 4-7pm.
- South East Edinburgh, Kings Manor Hotel, Milton Road, 1 September, 4-7pm.
- South West Edinburgh, Gibson Craig Hall, Currie, 3 September, 4-7pm.
- South East Edinburgh, Faith Mission Hall, Gilmerton, 4 September, 4-7pm.
- General session, Urban Room, Waverley Court, East Market Street, 22 September, 4-7 pm.
For more details see