An electronic version of Edition 12* (Nov 09) of the Edinburgh Community Council News is now available.
Cameron's blog carries a post published yesterday reading...
“Following the fall of the extension of the controlled parking zone in Grange/Newington earlier in the year new, more limited, proposals are being brought forward. These include a first for Edinburgh - placing short sections of yellow line which prohibit parking for a one or two hour period during the day. This will prevent long term parking in these otherwise uncontrolled areas and ensure a turnover of use. Maps showing these (and other proposals) can be viewed at a public meeting at 7.00pm on Tuesday 1st December in the Royal Blind School (Craigmillar Park). The draft plans will be on view from 6.30pm, and Council staff will be on hand to explain the proposals and to answer questions. A formal question and answer session will commence at 7.00pm.”
For more details (including links to the three plan documents) see Cameron’s blog post.
The New Gentle Touch (sauna and massage parlour) at 40 Argyle Place has submitted an application for a Public Entertainment Commercial Operation Licence. City of Edinburgh Council notified us of this today in a letter that continues:
"Anyone wishing to object to the grant of a licence must lodge a written objection or representation specifying the grounds of the objection or the nature of the representation with the Council Solicitor, City of Edinburgh Council, Licensing Section, 249 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ, by 17 December 2009 ; The objection or representation must specify the name and address of the person making it and be signed by that person or an Agent. Copies of objections or representations will be sent to the applicant. Objections or representations can be delivered by hand or posted by Recorded or Registered Delivery Post so that they would normally be expected to arrive by the above date. Late objections or representations can be considered if a good reason is given but otherwise if the terms of this Notice are not complied with, the objection or representation will be disregarded."
Under the Gambling Act 2005, the City of Edinburgh Licensing Board is required to publish a Statement of Principles every three years, outlining the procedures it intends to follow in discharging its statutory responsibilities and functions under the Gambling Act 2005.
The existing policy is now in its third and final year; therefore, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, the Board has undertaken a review of the current policy and has prepared a draft Statement of Principles. The draft ‘Statement of Principles’ has now commenced a period of consultation which will expire on Friday 18 December 2009.
Anyone wishing to make representations or offer comment on the draft Statement of Principles should do so in writing to liquorlicensing@edinburgh.gov.uk. Upon completion of the consultation period, the Board will consider any representations which may have been made and will publish the finalized Statement of Principles.
"Following the abandonment of the extension of the controlled parking zone in the Grange area, new more modest local proposals have been brought forward for local comment".
The first draft of the Edinburgh Parks Events Manifesto has now been completed and is out for consultation until 31 January 2010.
The aim of this Manifesto is to provide a framework within which a balanced and sustainable events programme can be achieved, whilst ensuring the quality of the land is maintained to the highest standard possible. It uses eight key principles, the first five determine whether an event will be given permission, the following three are aimed at the successful management of an agreed event. Each principle has a section giving background information and comments are invited on each of these principles.
A questions template is available to assist responses. Comments should be sent to parks@edinburgh.gov.uk by 31 January 2010.
Update: Three briefing papers have been prepared by Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links to help consultees and give them some background information. They are available (all as PDF) from the FOMBL website: Briefing Paper 1 | Briefing Paper 2 | Briefing Paper 3
The next meeting of the Edinburgh Civic Forum will be held on Tuesday 8 December 2009 at 4.30 pm in the Business Centre, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh. The Forum is an opportunity for community councils, local street associations, amenity and partnership bodies to discuss issues of common interest and keep up to date with local and national planning policy. The Civic Forum aims to strengthen the dialogue between civic groups in the capital and the City of Edinburgh Council. It also aims to encourage greater interest and involvement in planning.
Tea and coffee will be available from 4.00 pm. The agenda will include: a report on current planning issues by John Bury, City of Edinburgh Council; a progress report on the Urban Design Initiative by Riccardo Marini, Design Leader, City of Edinburgh Council; and discussion of 2010 meetings of the forum.
Attendance at forum meetings is not open to the public but if anyone would like to go on behalf of Marchmont and Sciennes Community Council could they please contact the MSCC secretary.
If you have a question regarding the Edinburgh Civic Forum please contact admin@cockburnassociation.org.uk
We are very sorry that we have had to close the facility.
We have encountered a glazing fault at Warrender Swim Centre which has resulted in the closure of the pool and cancellation of all swimming lessons and club use. The gym is also closed at this time. We are curently investigating the cause of the fault and we will reopen the centre as quickly as possible.
In the meantime you can continue to be active with Edinburgh Leisure, the closest alternate venues are Gracemount Leisure Centre and Dalry Swim Centre.
They will keep this page updated. Alternatively call 0131 447 0052.
update: Edinburgh Evening News story - Pool shut after glass panel falls on swimmer
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If you know of a local event that you think should be on the calendar, please email the chairperson or secretary.