Thursday, 30 July 2009
Update: Edinburgh Parks Events Manifesto - The Meadows and Bruntsfield Links

Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Update: controlled parking proposals rejected

Monday, 27 July 2009
Student and other residents' perceptions of the communities they live in
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Controlled Parking Zone - Amendments to Zones 7, 8 and S1
The Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee of the City of Edinburgh Council will consider a proposal to amend controlled parking zones 7, 8 and S1 (PDF) at their meeting on 28 July 2009. The proposal is not to merge zones 7,8 and S1 as proposed by MSCC but to amend some of the boundaries and introduce shared use bays.
Further changes to planning system
* The Council will be carrying out neighbour notification instead of the applicant
* New requirements for design and access statements
* Changes to how long planning permission lasts for
* New statutory scheme of delegation and changes to the current scheme of delegation. These schemes allows planning officers to take decisions on planning applications provided certain criteria are met
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Consultation on Patients' Rights Bill: analysis of responses

Saturday, 4 July 2009
Alfie the Tortoise has been found!
Thursday, 2 July 2009
NHS Lothian: Health link newsletter - Summer 09 edition
Four paper copies of the summer 09 edition of NHS Lothian's Health Link newspaper have arrived with the secretary with a request to circulate them to community councillors. If anyone wishes one of the paper copies please get in touch with the secretary.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Anyone fancy taking part in The Big Lunch!
On Sunday 19 July 2009, The Big Lunch is inviting you and all 61million people across the UK to simultaneously sit down to eat lunch with your neighbours, in the middle of your street as a simple act of community.
A new initiative run by the Eden Project, The Big Lunch encourages communities to come together through growing food and flowers;creating street music, art and theatre; dressing the street and, of course, cooking and eating together.
Organising a Big Lunch in your area is really easy. The Big Lunch website and printed Ideas Booklet will take you through the process step by step, giving you the tools, templates and resources to make it as simple as possible.
Given the short notice we have not organised a formal Marchmont & Sciennes Big Lunch but thought fellow residents might like to take part in their own streets.