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Friday 28 April 2023

MSCC Minutes for March 2023


Marchmont and Sciennes Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on March 22nd, 2023 at St. Catherine’s Argyle Church Hall


Present: Brian Gilmore - Chair, MSCC, Alison Service - MSCC Treasurer, Anne Laing - MSCC Secretary, Cllr. Neil Ross, Cllr. Pauline Flannery, Jocelyn Cunliffe -Mansfield Traquair Trust, Douglas Rogers - MSCC


Apologies: Donald Henderson - Grange Association, Susan Agnew - MSCC, Kayleigh Gordon - MSCC Publicity, Liane Phillips - MSCC Publicity, Ian Murray MP, Cllr. Ben Parker


Attending: Nora Flynn-McIver - Minutes Secretary


Meeting began at 7:30pm


Draft Minutes of 22/02/23 : Accepted unanimously.


Matters Arising

Warrender Baths issue: Email received from Steve Burgess, hoping to reopen pool as soon as possible this year. Cllr Ross confirmed this.

Follow up on Emma Willson’s proposal for Marchmont Crescent post-Scottish Water works. Cllr. Parker is in contact with Council offices to see what might be possible

Notes from Douglas Rogers’ talk at last meeting on home insulation will be circulated


Publicity: Kayleigh and Lianne asked for suggestions for how to revamp small notice boards.  Suggested affixing cork board as backing.


Meadows and Bruntsfield Links

FOMBL has had a walkaround with David Kyle. Anne was asked to officially invite David Kyle to future meetings of MSCC.  More updates will come after next FOMBL meeting. However, the technical problem regarding planting the new trees has been resolved.


City Councillor report on local issues

Cllr Pauline Flannery said the problems with community recycling bins were debated in Chamber and there was a push to re-address these issues

There had been issues brought to them about Sylvan Place. The sink hole has been fixed.

Anne Laing said that at the top of Sylvan Place, someone has reported a bulging wall. Unstable barriers have been erected. Cllr Flannery will make enquiries.

Cllr Flannery spoke of the development on corner of Upper Grey and Duncan Street.

 She also spoke of the Community art project at the Causey Development saying that the Council would like to promote this type of outdoor community art in the future around the city

Application to put up a new 5G mast on Whitehouse Loan has been refused. New application for the same thing being processed at 51 Whitehouse Loan

Council has increased road occupation charges to encourage developers to progress more quickly


Cllr Neil Ross said that the LibDem budget was passed increasing the budget for roads repairs by £11 million. It has prevented cuts to the schools budget, and the Kings Theatre got an extra £3 million for refurb (now has £18m out of £36 needed).  

Flood prevention measures around the city need to be addressed and the budget has set funds aside for it.

Proposed cuts to taxi card were denied.



The road surface between the Earl of Marchmont and Scotmid on Marchmont Crescent is getting worse and Cllr Ross said he will check on this. The road will have to be dug up by Scottish Water, but not imminently,

Brian asked to have Scottish Water as a standing agenda item from here on out


Sick Kids site

An update from Downing has been circulated. Student accommodation will be completed in time for the next academic year. A local resident wanted to know when the scaffolding will be down, and Downing confirmed that it will be down at the south end soon, and all down by August

Home Group are working on a plan for road closures while developing the affordable housing at the foot of Sylvan Place.. They have applied to make the building 600mm taller to incorporate sprinklers.  They are not required to have the sprinklers but difficult to object to. Home Group is funded by the Council. Councillor Flannery has been asked to look in to this. Discussions are ongoing about proposals to close the road. Original plan was to close Sylvan Place for 1.5 years; this would not be acceptable to the residents.

Square and Crescent who are developing the rest of the site expect to be on-site for four years. Hope to finish Millerfield Place houses in two years. The Hospital block will have 40 flats in it. Time frames are unclear at this point.

Landscaping will be done last, ie in four years or so

Douglas is suggesting to S & C that they use one of the Millerfield Place houses as a show house for Door Open day, exhibiting how it can be refurbished with proper insulation. 

Adoption of roads through the development: Have not succeeded in getting the roads adopted yet, but Douglas is looking into this.

Communal space in South block:  Proposed by Downing as a solution to requirement for addition to student accommodation.  Proposed space of 125 square metres, Marchmont and Sciennes Development Trust (MSDT) has said it is too small and wants twice the size.  It would come as a bare space, anything additional would have to be paid for and would need planning - plus Downing would likely want rental.


Mortuary Chapel:

Jocelyn Cunliffe who is a trustee of both the Mansfield Traquair Trust and Historic Churches Scotland, then spoke about the Mortuary Chapel summarising her and the Trusts’ role and the situation as it was and now presently stands. 

Preferred option is to use the Mortuary Chapel building as education/interpretation on the ground floor, with internal access to the Chapel, and the first floor would be office space with storage (of light items only) above the Chapel.  Would like to get a Friends group, similar to the Friends of Mansfield Traquair Centre, up and running to help develop the project and eventually guide visitors to the Chapel. 

Need to figure out how to get Downing to support this. Downing currently waiting for a business proposal but building needs to be valued first.

The original plan was for the Mortuary Chapel itself being retained but putting two houses in the rest of the building. This was rejected by the Council in 2019  so, it is assumed, Downing wants to sell the building in order to recoup costs. Douglas Rogers suggested best leverage is to suggest that Class 10 usage of communal space be transferred to the Mortuary Chapel. The communal space in the South block could then be used as part of the student accommodation

Douglas Rogers would prefer to see the space used as more than an exhibit space for just the murals, ie. a display space or community space of some sort. Jocelyn Cunliffe pointed out that the education/interpretation potentially could encompass the history of the site, commemoration of children who have died etc but that ancillary space adjacent to the murals is essential. The office use would provide an income to offset running costs and would help with monitoring the environmental conditions of the murals in the mortuary chapel.

Cllr. Pauline Flannery suggested going to other community centres to see what solutions they have come up with to offset their running costs. It was suggested to discuss this community space plan with Julie Ross of CEC.   However, there was general support from the MSCC on the proposal to exchange the South block community space for taking over the Mortuary Chapel space. Douglas to see what Downing Group thoughts would be on this.

Cllr. Pauline Flannery suggested going to other community centres to see what solutions they have come up with to offset their running costs. It was suggested to discuss this community space plan with Julie Ross of CEC.   However, there was general support from the MSCC on the proposal to exchange the South block community space for taking over the Mortuary Chapel space. Douglas to see what Downing Group thoughts would be on this.


Astley Ainslie Hospital redevelopment: No update


Pavement outside Marchmont Hardware: No update


Planning applications: Information circulated previously. 


Grange Cemetery:  No update


Treasurer’s Report:  £1702 in the account.  Still looking for ideas to support local projects.


Meetings attended:  None


AOCB:  None

Date of next meeting:  Wednesday 26th April 2023


For a copy of the full report circulated prior to the meeting, please contact the Secretary Anne Laing, 

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